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"The Empire is willing to end this war, but only if we grant something of great value to them."

"And what did you offer them?" Wooyoung asked apprehensively.

"After a serious discussion with the higher officials and ministers of the kingdom, we have reached to a final conclusion which seemed the most suitable in this circumstance."

He blinked.

"You shall be betrothed to the Crown Prince of The Ellesmere Empire."

He inhaled sharply, clutching the armrest of the throne and tried not to show any hint of vexation as he forced his facial muscles to relax. He knew better than to oppose the King, who also happened to be his father.

"This alliance will benifit our kingdom in many exceptional ways and also strengthen the harmony of our kingdom and the Ellesmere Empire. It will also ensure safety of our Kingdom, lest any unexpected war should break out."


"Prepare the carriage. His Highness is set to travel to the City of Malvolia."


Ellesmere Empire
Crown prince - Choi San
Capital City - Malvolia
Captial State - Eslanda

Kingdom Of Amaris
Crown Prince - Jung Yunho
Capital City - Arcelia

Wooyoung is not the crown prince here. He is the 4th son of the King.

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