Return to the Northern Markets

Start from the beginning

"I will go and leave you be, but hear me out first. No matter what she tries to do with you, I will always be here to help you. No matter what! I love you, Viggo Grimborn, and I will never stop loving you. Even if she tried to take you away from me, I will always be here to protect you as you have protected me." You held his hands in yours in your moment of sincerity and honesty.

You wanted to stand up and leave him alone as he asked for, but he pulled you closer and crashed his lips against yours.

After you broke the kiss, he cried the tears out that were stuck within him. "I'm so scared of her. She has proven again that she still controls me." You comforted him as much as you could and held him tight against you. "Has this happened before?" You had to know. "It has, but not this bad." Viggo said through his sobs. "Shh, let it go now. It's okay." You let him cry again until he felt better.

After about fifteen minutes, his crying had stopped and made room for exhaustion. He was like a baby in your arms, feeling helpless and limp in his body. "Hey, let's go back to your tent so you can rest up." You lifted his chin as he rested his head upon your chest. A remaining tear was flowing down the corner of his eye and he looked very down. "I don't want to go back there. What if she's..." He was still scared of her. "I will be with you." You reassured him. You convinced him to go with you and go back to his tent.

Arriving at his tent, he took a few steps back again once you were in front of it. "I'll make sure she will not hurt you again, sweetie." You held his hands in yours and faced him while you slowly backed up into the tent. He trusted you and went inside with you. He was still tensed up, but he soon felt that she was no longer there and he could relax.

You sat the both of you down on the side of the bed and looked him in the eyes. "You're okay now." You smiled at him and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Please, stay with me." He begged you. "Always." You laid him down and crawled into his arms, allowing him to fall back to sleep. As you were abruptly woken up this morning, you felt the remaining exhaustion crept up on you as well.

Later that morning, you both woke up again feeling much better. Viggo held you close against him once again, never wanting to let you go. "Thank you, my love. How can I ever repay you?" He asked with a trembling voice. "You don't have to, sweetie. All I want is to be with you forever. Nothing more than that." You admitted to him.

He loosened his grip on you and looked you in the eyes. "You know what? Why not go to the Northern Markets? You can choose something of your liking, no matter what it will cost me." He suggested the idea. "You don't have to do that!" You resisted to his idea. "I want to do this. Please, allow me to get you something that you have wanted since you came here." He pleaded with you.

You thought about it for a moment, but soon came with your answer. "Okay." You smiled at the thought of going through all of the goods that were for sale at that place. "Excellent! I will have Ryker prepare a ship straight away. We will leave this afternoon." Viggo did what he promised and you left with the ship the same afternoon.

After a day of sailing, you arrived at the Northern Markets. Viggo was close by your side as you wandered around together to look for a gift for yourself.

You passed stands with shining gemstones and beautiful jewelry. "These are so beautiful. I really don't know what I would like." The choices you had were so abundant, that it was hard to make a decision. Viggo enjoyed your inability to make a decision and laughed about it. "Take your time, my love. I am sure there is something that you will love." He held his hand on your waist and pulled you a little closer to him.

You took a closer look to the different colored stones and the different kinds of jewelry. You were looking at a few necklaces and certain kinds of stone for a little too long as Viggo noticed you liked them. "Which one do you like most, my love?" He asked you. "I really like this necklace..." You said as you held a silver necklace up. "...but I also like these stones." You said as you pointed to a red gemstone, probably a ruby.

Timeless Love (Viggo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now