Haechan • Deal or no deal?

Start from the beginning

'How do you even know about my daughter? I've never told anyone about her.' Bartel yelled out furiously.

'I have my sources. People are only as loyal as you pay them to be.' Haechan bared his teeth in a resemblance of a grin. 'Deal or no deal?' The grin had dissapeared as quickly as it came.

Before Azra could do as much as blink, Bartel suddenly lunched towards her, drawing a knife out of seemingly thin air. Luckily she was prepared and slammed her hand onto his wrist, making him drop the knife. He grunted angrily, hating that he was disarmed by a woman. He was strong and she knew one punch to the head could knock her out for a long time, if not kill her. But his strong build made him slow and she was slim and quick, making it hard for him to catch her.

'God I hate man to man fights.' Pascal groaned as he attempted to free himself from his attacker's firm grip.

Haechan had already knocked out his attacker and yanked Pascals' away from him, his arms wrapped around his neck in a headlock. He applied pressure for a short while until the man fell limp onto the ground.

He turned around to face Azra when a pained cry filled the air. His eyes fell to her side where a small knife stuck out, Bartels hand still loosely wrapped around the handle.

'Oh shit, Azra.' Pascal blurted out.

In a splint of a second, Haechan felt a thousand thoughts and feelings rush through his mind.

Blood she got stabbed bad die shes gonna die no i dont care i dont care important deal what about the deal wound i dont care so much blood shut up baby coward shut up shes gonna die what am i gonna do what will the gang do without her shut up i dont care whatever blood blood blood we need the money what about the deal we need to close the deal im gonna be punished if i fail i have to succeed shes gonna die i dont want her to die shes gonna die shes gonna die shes gonna die what a waste i put so much work in her shes my best soldier and now shes gonna die but i dont care i can do it alone alone alone alone forever alone trust no one but what about her her blood blood blood blood blood blood shes gonna die NO!!

Not her.

Blood rushed through his veins, his environment seemed to dissapear. Vaguely he could hear Pascal saying something in the background but all he could see was Bartel. All he could see was red.

He rushed towards him, yanking him off of her by his neck, slamming his head against the wall. He tightened his fingers around his throat until he saw fear in Bartels eyes and then he squeezed even harder. He wanted to tear him to pieces, burn his fingers off, pull his eyes out but he forced himself to loosen his grip a little.

When he spoke, his voice was eerily calm.

'You've just made a very big mistake, Bartel. And now you'll live to see the consequences.' He slammed his head agaist the wall one more time and then dropped him onto the ground. He made sure he was just unconscious. He wasn't done with him yet.

'Pascal, take him to The Diamond. And tell Shaela someones been stabbed and we need her.'

Pascal nodded, his eyes filled with worry for the wounded girl. Then he turned around and lifted Bartel surprisingly easily.

Haechan turned towards Azra, carefully shoving his arms underneath her so he could carry her. She was light, too light. She had lost a lot of blood. When he started walking she whimpered softly despite her effort to keep it in.

'Why are you saving me?' She asked softly.

'You're useful, it would be a waste to let you die.' he replied matter of factly.

She scoffed, her face immediately flinching at the pain it caused. Of course there wasn't any grand reason. For Haechan it was always just business. The pain in her side was unbearable and yet she still was able to feel a small sting in her heart.

'Please Haechan, it's no use.' She mumbled.

His stone cold eyes met hers shortly before refocusing on the road ahead.

'I feel he's close. He's coming to get me.' she continued.

His grip tightened and he fastened his pace.

No one was going to take her from him.

'Haechan, I'm tired.' She breated out, her eyelashes fluttering. She had cheated death too many times. Now he had finally won. And he came to claim his price.

'Dammit Azra, keep your eyes open!' He growled.

The lights of the small tavern were still on, despite it being long past midnight. This part of the city really only came alive after 1 am. He rushed towards the door, pushing it open so hard it slammed against the wall.

'Where's Shaela?' He asked in such a demanding tone, even the King himself would've been tempted to immediately answer him.

'Second floor, third room.' Jules, the barman said.

Haechan rushed towards the stairs, eyes of everyone in the room glued to him and the nearly dead girl in his arms.

Step by step he climbed the stairs. His back was killing him but he kept going. Every step he saw Azra's face grow paler and panic started to spread through him.

As soon as he reached the second floor he rushed towards the door of the third room, not bothering to do as much as a knock.

Shaela looked up from the book she was reading at her desk and jumped up. She shoved all the junk from the desk and gestured for Haechan to lay her down onto the now empty table.

'Poor girl.' Shaela cooed as she lifted Azra's shirt up to inspect the wound.

Haechan gritted his teeth in anger. Why did she do everything so painstakingly slow? If he had any medical talented he would have pushed her out of the way and sewn her up himself. But he had always been better at destroying things than at fixing them. He had no other choice but to wait patiently.

'Well?' He asked. So far for waiting patiently...

'I don't know, whoever stabbed her doesn't seem to have hit any vital organs but she has lost a lot of blood. I will stitch the wound up but I'm not sure if that will be enough. She may need a blood transfusion.' Shaela said.

Haechans eyes were fixated on Azra's pale features.

'Use my blood.' He said without thinking.

Shaela's eyebrows flew up. She hadn't expect that. The emotionless boy with the reputation of being ruthless, wanted to give some of his life to a girl?

'That's very kind of you, but I don't have the proper tools. Besides, we have no idea whether your blood types are compatible or not. All we can do is wait.'

He let out a frustrated sigh.

''I thought you were supposed to be a healer. Just...fix her!'' He said angrily.

Shaela had never seen him so worked up. This girl must really mean a lot to him...

'I'll do what I can. That's all I can promise.' Her eyes burned into his as she spoke. Then she turned around towards Azra, getting her tools ready to stitch her up.

That's not good enough.

With great difficulty he took his eyes off Azra and turned away, walking towards the door. He couldn't let himself get distracted. There was more work to be done tonight.


Before anyone asks, yes this was a little bit inspired by kanej(and smtown universe haechan fancam).



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