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School had started a few weeks ago, You were the new kid at school and the only friends you've made so far were Mike and Dustin. Even though they were a few years younger than you, the three of you still had a lot of things in common with each other.

You and Dustin were both the only child of your family and had absent fathers, and you and Mike shared a birthday. Plus the three of you loved DND so it seemed fitting that you'd all get along. They were both part of a DND group called Hellfire, led by a guy named Eddie Munson who you hadn't met yet but you heard lots about him.

"Hey Y/N" Dustin said as he caught you in the hall
"Hey Dustin, what's up?" You asked.
"We were wondering if you'd want to sit with us at lunch today?" He asked.
"Oh, um yea sure, that would be great" you said trying not to sound too excited.

You followed Dustin to the cafeteria where you sat down beside him and Mike.
"Hey" you said to Mike.
"Hey, Y/N" he said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

Suddenly you felt a warm hand on your shoulder, you looked over and saw a gorgeous man with a toothy grin.
"And who might you be?" He asked.
You swallowed your food "I-I'm Y/N.." you stuttered.
The boy looked at Dustin and Mike "And why haven't Y/N and I met yet?" He asked.
Dustin cleared his throat "Um, well Eddie, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Eddie. There. Now you've met" he said.
Eddie looked at you and smiled "Hi" he said softly. You got lost in his big brown eyes "Hi" you whispered.

It felt like time stopped, like it was just you and Eddie at that table. His presence was overwhelming but comfortable, you felt an immediate connection between the two of you and you were certain Eddie felt it too judging by the way he hadn't stopped looking at you. Dustin cleared his throat, interrupting yours and Eddie's moment. You snapped out of it and your eyes landed back on Dustin "Hm?" You hummed. Dustin rolled his eyes.

Eddie sat at the head of the table during lunch, you couldn't help but look over at him from time to time. Every time you glanced over you caught him staring right at you. You weren't sure what he was doing to you but you wanted more, needed more.

The bell for the end of lunch rang and everyone started to clear the cafeteria. As you were throwing away your trash you noticed Eddie walking your way, shit, your heart started racing as you watched him get closer.
"Hey" he said as he smiled.
"Hey" you replied.
"Meet me in the parking lot after school, I want to show you around" he said.
Your heart was practically beating out of your chest "Okay" you managed to say. Eddie flashed a smile and winked before walking away. You didn't notice until now but you were holding your breath.

The afternoon went by painfully slow, the anticipation of meeting Eddie after school was killing you. Finally the final bell rang dismissing the last class of the day, you practically ran to your locker to put away your books before you headed out into the parking lot. You looked around but didn't see any sign of Eddie yet, you sighed.

Just as you were about to head home you heard someone call your name "Hey! Y/N!" They said. You turned around and to your surprise there stood Eddie, a smile was spread wide across his gorgeous face.
"Hey" you said back, trying to hide your pure excitement.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Mhm" you hummed as you nodded.

Eddie smiled and led the way, stopping at a van "This is mine, are you okay to hop in?" He asked.
Your heart was pounding out of your chest, you only met Eddie today but there was something about him that you couldn't resist "Yea" you said softly. You got into Eddie's van and buckled up, he looked over at you once you were inside and smiled "Okay, I'll give you two options" he said "One, I can show you skull rock. Or two, I can show you around town where all us kids hang around".
You thought about it for a moment, you've already seen most of the town and Skull rock sounded too cool to pass up on.
"Skull rock sounds good to me" you said.
"Perfect" he said as he put the van into gear.

————time skip————

You held Eddie's hand as he led the way to skull rock. Every once and awhile he would look back at you and make sure you were still doing alright.
As you approached the giant rock you were shocked, he wasn't kidding when he said skull rock, it really was shaped like a skull.
"Well, here we are!" Eddie said as he gestured towards the giant rock.
"Wow" you said.

Eddie walked over and stood under the rock, you followed. You ran your hand along the rock as you walked over to Eddie "This is amazing" you said as you smiled.
"I like to come here to think about things" he said as he looked up and then back at you. You got a little nervous so you bit your bottom lip and started picking at your fingers.
"I don't know what it is Y/N..." Eddie said as he took a few steps closer to you "But ever since Dustin introduced us today I just felt this connection between us.." he stopped about a foot away from your face. You looked up and your eyes met with his sparkling brown eyes
"Me too.." you whispered.
"Just tell me to stop..." he paused as he inched closer to you, his eyes looked down at your lips before flickering back to your eyes. Your breathing got heavier as you anticipated what was about to happen.

Eddie inched even closer to you, his hands cupped your jaw seconds before you both closed your eyes. The butterflies in your stomach exploded as he placed his plump warm lips on yours, you hummed into the kiss. Your hands made their way into his fluffy brown hair as you deepened the kiss, Eddie's lips felt like velvet against yours. You felt his thumb rub back and forth against your cheek as he hummed, sending vibrations throughout your mouth. Your core was aching for more, you needed more of him.

The kiss slowed down and Eddie broke away, looking into your eyes he smiled "Wow.." he whispered. You were at a loss for words, all you could do is smile at what just happened "Yea, wow" you whispered as your hands fell down to his chest.
"I um" he cleared his throat "Did you feel that too?" He asked.
You nodded "Yes" you said.

Joseph / Eddie ONE SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now