Eddie - FIGHT

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"You're too jealous over everyone! I can't even talk to Steve anymore, who I've been friends with since we were two! TWO! You really think him and I would ever do anything?! He's my- was my best fucking friend Eddie!" You were shaking at this point. "Eddie I can't fucking do this anymore" you said.
Then leave!" He shouted. The both of you stared at each other, you opened your mouth to say something but closed it. Tears formed in your eyes, it was only a matter of seconds before the tears streamed down your face. You grabbed your bag and stormed off before he could say anything.

You walked as fast as you could out of the woods and headed back to your house, hoping to god Eddie wouldn't follow you this time. You finally arrived at home, the second you got inside you closed the door behind you and fell to the ground, bringing your knees up to your chest. You had gotten to the point of crying where you started hyperventilating, thankfully your dad wasn't home to see you like this.

After what felt like hours of crying you stood up and tried to compose yourself "fuck him" you spat as you ripped the bracelet he gave you off, throwing it to the ground you headed to your room and slammed the door behind you.

The second you fell onto your bed you grabbed your pillow and cried into it, how fucking could he, how could he be so selfish, how could he tell you to stop hanging out with your best friend just because he was jealous. A dozen thoughts ran through your head, it was only now that you realized your head was pounding from crying to hard. You got up from your bed and went into the bathroom down the hall to grab some Advil, the second you tossed the pills in your mouth you heard the door.


You quickly swallowed the pills and headed downstairs. The door continued to knock like crazy until you opened it, there stood Eddie.
"Eddie, I don't want to talk anymore. Please it's late" you said as you leaned on the door, he looked up into your eyes.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I fucked up. Like I really fucked up" he started to choke on his words, you watched as his lip started to quiver. Fuck. You saw his van parked out front but it was raining pretty hard, his hair was soaking wet which made his curls even more pronounced. You pulled him in from the rain and closed the door.

"Alright. Talk" you said as you folded your arms over your chest. Eddie looked down at his feet "You're right Y/N... I am jealous. I'll never stop being jealous" he looked up at you "the friendship that you and Steve have will never compare to anything..." he paused "I want to work on my jealousy, it's not fair to you and I don't ever want to hurt you again" tears formed in his big brown eyes "I'm so fucking sorry, please forgive me" he pleaded.

There's no way you could truly stay mad at him, not when he literally showed up at your house and begged for your forgiveness. Giving him a tiny smile you sighed "Come here" you said as you pulled him in for a hug, you felt him crying on your shoulder. Rubbing his back you whispered "I forgive you, Eddie.. shhh.. I forgive you". You waited a few minutes before pulling away from the hug, you looked into his big sad eyes, his hands reached up and cupped your face before bringing you in for a kiss. You closed your eyes and melted as your lips moved perfectly with his.

"Bedroom" he whispered in between kisses "Now" he added. The two of you continued to kiss as you made your way to your bedroom, Eddie closed the door behind you two before taking his shirt off and tossing it on the ground, you felt him tug at the hem of your shirt before he did the same with yours. He leaned down and placed soft kisses on each of your breasts as his hands reached around and undid your bra, exposing your chest fully.
"You're so beautiful" he whispered as he kissed your neck, his hands moved down your body stopping at your jeans. Eddie looked at you, his eyes were practically black as they were filled with lust. You walked backwards and fell onto the bed with Eddie on top of you, his hands landed on either side of your shoulders and he smiled wickedly.

Eddie placed a kiss on your lips before moving his way down your chest, sternum, and lower stomach. He started undoing your pants and pulled them off of you, immediately discarding them beside your bed, doing the same with your panties. He took your foot in his hand and kissed your ankle before making his way up your leg, he placed tiny soft kisses every few inches until he reached your core. You could feel his warm breath against your skin "Eddie please do something" you begged as your hands tangled in his hair.
"As you wish" he hummed, sending vibrations up your body. You felt his tongue slide up your folds slowly before it landed on your sensitive bud. He started sucking on it, which made you moan uncontrollably "Oh my god" you cried out "please don't stop" you said breathlessly.

Eddie continued to go down on you for a few more minutes before bringing himself back up to your face "I can't take it anymore, I need you" he panted as he undid his jeans. You watched as his cock sprang free from his boxers, you practically drooled at the sight of him.
"Ready?" He asked as he lined himself up with your entrance "Eddie please" you begged. He watched your face carefully as he pushed himself inside of you, your mouth hung open as you gasped at the feeling of him inside of you.
"Oh god Y/N" he moaned as he kissed you. You felt his tongue poking at the entrance of your mouth so you opened and let him in. Your tongues fought for dominance but eventually he won.

Eddie continued to kiss your neck as he moved slowly, The sex was hot and heavy tonight. You knew Eddie was really taking his time by showing you just how sorry he is. Your hands brushed his hair behind his ear and you bit your lip as you looked into those big brown eyes.
"I'm not stopping until you come for me sweetheart" he smirked.
"I'm close baby, don't stop" you moaned.
Eddie picked up the pace a little, which caused you to arch your back into him.
"That's it babe... oh god" he groaned as he gripped onto your hip, surely to leave marks tomorrow. You wrapped your legs around him tightly as he started thrusting harder into you.
"Eddie, I'm close" you cried out. He grabbed onto your hair with his other hand and looked into your eyes "Come for me" he growled "That's it... good girl" he moaned in between thrusts.
You felt yourself come undone beneath him, your core clenched down onto his cock before reaching your high. Moans filled the air as the two of you climaxed together.

Eddie gave you a deep kiss before carefully pulling out of you, he got up and discarded the condom before coming back and laying down beside you. Eddie leaned on his elbow and looked at you as he smiled, he pulled you in for yet another kiss and you smiled into it. He pulled back slowly and looked into your eyes, he brought his hand up and brushed your hair out of your face before speaking.
"I love you, Y/N" he whispered. Your heart dropped before it picked up and started pounding out of your chest, he said it, holy shit he finally fucking said it. The moment you've been waiting for since you started dating.
"I love you too, Eddie" tears formed in your eyes as Eddie brought you in for another deep kiss. You hummed into the kiss and felt a single tear fall down your cheek before he pulled you onto his chest. Your head rested beside his tattoos, you admired them as you placed your hand over the tattoos and rubbed your thumb back and forth. You felt Eddie's hand rub your back up and down, your eyes closed slowly as you hummed.
"Sweet dreams my love" he whispered as he kissed your forehead.
"Goodnight babe" you whispered as you dozed off into a dream.

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