Eddie - WILL YOU?

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"Sweetheart, come on" Eddie said as he grabbed your bag.
"Okay okay I'm coming!" You said as you ran up from your bed room. You made it to the top of the stairs and there stood your boyfriend, Eddie, looking handsome as ever.
"Come on" he said as he smiled.

The two of you hopped into Eddie's van, he told you he had a surprise for you but didn't say what.
"Will you tell me where we're going?" You asked.
Eddie looked at you quickly and smiled as he grabbed your thigh "No".

You looked out the window and enjoyed the fall views, all of the leaves were brown, yellow, and orange making the bark of the tree look even darker against the vibrant colours. The road you were traveling on looked very familiar, that's when it clicked. He was taking you to your guys' favourite hangout, Skull Rock. You smiled to yourself before looking over at Eddie, you looked down at his hand and played with his ring as he pulled in.

Eddie put the van in park and hopped out, you leaned over to grab your bag before grabbing the door handle but before you could Eddie swung the door open and reached out for your hand. You smiled at him as you put your hand in his, Eddie started leading the way to the destination.
"What brings us here today?" You asked.
"I just wanted to take my girl to our favourite spot, that's all" he smirked as he adjusted the blanket in his arm "plus, it's the perfect fall day" he added. He was right, everything about the weather was perfect today.

When you arrived at Skull Rock you placed your bag down and watched as Eddie laid out a blanket for the two of you to sit on. You looked around and admired the luscious fall colours that surrounded you, you reached down in your bag for your camera before turning around to take a photo. Eddie stood in front of you looking more anxious than ever, it looked serious so you put the camera down at your feet.
"Y/N?..." he hesitated.
"Yes?" You said.
Eddie took both of your hands in his and looked into your eyes "You've been my world since the day I've met you...and I know we've been through a lot since we started dating...but I know that I want to spend the rest of our lives together.." he swallowed harshly before getting down on one knee and pulled out a small black velvet box "Y/N  Y/L/N... will you.. marry me?" He said as opened the box slowly, revealing a gorgeous emerald ring. Your heart stopped. Holy fucking shit. You must have paused for a long time because by the time your eyes went back up to Eddie's he looked even more nervous than before.
"Say something, sweetheart" he said in a shaky voice.
"YES! Oh my god! Yes!" You shrieked as your hands flew up to cover your mouth, Eddie bowed his head in relief before standing up in front of you once more. He carefully took the ring out of the box and took your hand in his, you watched as he slowly slipped the ring onto your finger, it was a perfect fit.
You gasped "oh my god, Eddie. It's perfect" you said as you looked into his big brown eyes, he smiled and cupped your face before bringing you in for a deep kiss. You hummed as you felt his lips move against yours. Eddie leaned back from the kiss and looked into your eyes again.
"I love you" he whispered as he rested his forehead on yours.
"I love you too, Eddie" you blushed as you looked down at your ring. Eddie looked down at your hands as they were now being held by his.
"Do you like the ring?" He asked.
"It's everything I wanted and more" you smiled as you wiggled the ring around and watched it twinkle in the daylight. Looking back up at Eddie you noticed he couldn't keep that smile off of his face "I can't wait to be Mrs Munson" you said.
Eddie looked at you and smirked "I love the sound of that" he said.

Joseph / Eddie ONE SHOTS Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant