Chapter 2: He Girlboss A Bit Too Close To The Sun

Start from the beginning

The Watcher that pulled him out here grabbed something that looked like a knife. Well, it was a knife, a dagger to be more specific.

Xelqua barely registered Qeptrxyia grabbing his wrist as the flat side of the dagger slammed down onto his already swollen forearm. Xelqua didn't see the way Zaianu eyed the dagger with worry and slight panic.

The dagger was brought down onto his arm once again, though Xelqua barely registered it.

Then it hit a third time,

Xelqua was still unconscious to the excruciating pain that he should have felt in his bone.

A fourth hit.

Then a fifth.

And for a moment there was no strike, for some reason, that was what Xelqua's tired mind decided to latch onto. Focusing purely on the way the dagger stuttered in the air, and the way the light hit it when Qeptrxyia twisted it to the side.

Xelqua faintly heard Zaianu cry out for her to stop as the dagger hit his wrist again, and then slid across it.

Xelqua looked over and saw blood dripping down his arm.

'Well, that's not good...'

The kid knew he should have been panicking, but he couldn't muster up enough energy to give a damn. 

The Watcher, Qeptrxyia, muttered something that sounded like "Oops, my hand slipped," with the most certainty that it had not been an accident.

Zaianu yelled something at her as they frantically rushed to Xelqua's side, and Qeptrxyia yelled something back.

But Xelqua didn't seem to hear anything as they just stared lifelessly down at his bleeding arm.

Qeptrxyia growled, but turned and left with her dagger.

Zaianu fell to their knees next to the boy, before taking Xelqua's arm gently and wrapping a cloth around it.

Xelqua cradled his arm to his stomach, still confused and dizzy, still staring at the pool of blood on the floor.

Zianianu said something, silently begging Xelqua to be alright as Xelqua's vision began to spin.

Zianianu only bit their lip as they watched the small child's eyes blur. They knew that the kid was out of it, that much was obvious. Zianianu couldn't help but watch as the child's small body trembled.

And slowly, Zianianu watched as Xelqua shakily got to his feet. And the teacher was "helpless" to stop the small, ever so small child, from stumbling out of the room in a haze, blood still dripping from his arm.

The Watcher took a deep breath, and couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.

After all, a good Watcher shouldn't have stepped in to stop a punishment, even if that child would bleed.

Zaianu looked down at their hands as the child stumbled on.

Xelqua wasn't sure where he was going, but he didn't have the strength to care.

For now, the only thing he could do was put one foot in front of the other.

It had only felt like a few moments, or a few hours - Xelqua wasn't completely sure either. Until he looked up and saw that he was back in the dormitory hallway.

Xelqua started to walk back to his room but stopped when he noticed that the door at the end of the hallway was open. A soft light poured from the open door, illuminating a wide-eyed Axry who was staring at Xelqua with something akin to horror, or panic.

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