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It was well into the night, and Mirae's friends had only just left, leaving her and Minhee alone, with Bambi of course.

The two laid upon Mirae's bed, Minhee slightly lower as he had himself wrapped around the girl, hugging her like a koala hugging a tree, every now and then petting the puppy who nestled besides them, already hitting dreamland.

The fingers that were brushing through the blonde hair of the boy stopped suddenly, causing him to look up at her.

"I wanna tell you everything as well."

And so she did, finally letting everything off her chest that she kept in for who knows how long. Not even Sooyoung, who was practically her sister, knew about the things that were coming out her mouth.

Like he had done earlier, she told him everything that had happened to her, all of the emotions and traumas she faced growing up.

There wasn't a lot to tell; her story being nowhere near as interesting or hurting as Minhee's, but she still felt the need to tell, since he told his and so it was only fair.

The main thing she had to speak about was her brother, someone who she loved too dearly, and after his death, how she was left in a depressed state, unable to do normal things like before.

"his name was seonrae, and literally was a ray of sunshine,"

She paused due to the sound of her voice breaking, as the tears threaten to spill once again.

"he was only a year younger than me, and probably the most talented person i've ever met."

Minhee noticed the smile on her face as she talked to him about her brother, which created a smile on his own.

"i remember the nights when he used to force me to sing him to sleep, or the days we went on family outings to weird and bizarre places, like that one time he made us go slug spotting on the beach, gosh, that was horrendous."

She finished her sentence with a chuckle, a feeling of warmth bursting inside her as she looked back on the past.

"we never really knew our father, he walked out the day seonrae was born, but he never let that affect him, and despite being the younger one, he took on that role of the man of the house, always making sure me and our mother were safe and that we had everything we needed and if that wasn't enough, he was a little genius, always at the top of his year, excelling at anything and everything."

She inhaled sharply, as the words she was going to say next were a painful memory her brain pushed to the back of her mind.

"yet he never used to speak about what was bothering him, always bottling everything inside and keeping a bright smile on his face. one day, though, i came home early from school due to spraining my ankle, and that was when i found him, an empty bottle of antidepressants by his side."

She completely stopped talking now, and the tears were streaming down, as Minhee sat up, pulling her into his arms, letting her let it out on his chest.

"i always hated him for that, how selfish he was for giving everything up and leaving the two of us by ourselves. for a whole year after that, i felt empty. hurt. destroyed."

Her crying died down to sniffles,

"despite blaming him for being so weak, i blamed myself also, for not noticing what he was going through, how he was struggling with the image he made for himself of being the perfect son as he was so far from it."

Pulling away from him, she smiled a sad smile.

"sure i had my mother and sooyoung to get through it all, but it wasn't the same as having him, comforting me, saying words of encouragement, promising it would all get better."

"eventually, i picked myself back up, but it took nearly the whole of high school to do that. nevertheless, i'm happy he was a part of my life, even if it wasn't as long as i had wished for, i'm grateful for the memories we did create."

Not wanting to say the apathetic sorry most would do, he instead told her how strong she was, and that somewhere out there, Seonrae was smiling down on her, watching her become the beautiful person she was.

And then, without any more words being shared, the two drifted off to sleep, bodies entangled, hearts full of emotions.

And then, without any more words being shared, the two drifted off to sleep, bodies entangled, hearts full of emotions

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