"How about you are you going to join in these campaign of yours?" Arbiter asked.

Sesa shook his head.

"No, unfortunately I have some battles to partake however I leave this two companion of mine as an assistance from the Great One himself."

Sesa turned away and left until a bright glow engulf the elite until he vanish.

"So what now Arbiter?"

Arbiter looked at the rest of his kin and looked at Rtas still on the wraith.

"If his words were true then we must hurry and catch Tartarus before he could do something that would doom us all."

Just in time a pair of Seraphs went a flyby and landed on a nearby platform there Tartarus and his brutes along with the two human they have capture walk towards the door.

"It seems Tartarus have a head start, brothers start armed yourselves from the cache that Sesa provided us."

The elites began to armed themselves from the cache and found quietly fond with the human weapons.

Arbiter just stared in silence at the ground for a moment before remembering the words of the that 'thing'.

"I need to get inside the facility is there a way in?"

"I know a place, come on Arbiter (he pointed his wraith) we don't have all the time we need."

Arbiter sat beside the wraith along side with some elites then Rtas proceed to drive and went where the place where a door to be access this was followed by some of the grunts and elites to provide support along with the two Kriegers.

8 hours later.......

Arbiter Pov

I have to admit Sesa's support or whatever it is genuinely terrifying. I saw how it brutally ripped through a single group of brutes while patrolling the forest.

Not to mention how the other used brutal force in destroying enemy vehicles on the way by using melee. They were powerful indeed I thank the heavens for there are on our side however the being spoke by Sesa which worries me greatly. If he or she can make these capable I worried what plans does these thing requires his or her attention towards me.

No, I must focus the enemy is the Hierarchs and their loyal minions.

It took sometime for us to manage to brute fully force our way through the defences they have set up, now the problem is a way in.

"The door is heavily armoured and shut we need a powerful beam to pierce this through."

Rumble were heard and the ground shook, I turned around only to see a Scarab pointing it's main gun towards me.

"Listen I don't like you and surely hell you don't like me, if we want to stop that hairy ass punk monkey mohawk from activating the ring, we all gonna die."

"Tartarus lock himself inside the control room." I said.

"Well it just that happen that I found a key."

The main cannon of tha scarab readies itself.

"Come on grab a Dom or banshee, I need some cover he knows that we will coming."

I nod towards the human piloting the scarab I am impressed how he got himself into the scarab on the first placed.

Manning alone wouldn't so easy however with the help of other human that we freed and other elites we may able to speed things up. The two escorts that Sesa gave me went to the top of the scarab possibly to provide security.

I look to my right to see Rtas coming next to me, one banshee and the other a Dom flied next to the scarab where the human was piloting it.

Out from the cockpits were two elites.

"Arbiter here take this you may need it."

I nod at him in thanks and proceed to enter the cockpit of the Dom, as I sat I ready myself as I once again to familiarise it's functions.

It's been a longtime since I have been controlling these, I though to myself.

As the cockpit closed the screen project itself showing me my surroundings, I look at Rtas as he boarded the banshee and began to provide cover to the scarab as we headed where the Tartarus was located and along with the human's companion.

As we traverse the land it didn't take long as groups of banshees and Doms were swarming in like flies in all directions.

I grip my handle as we prepared for the worse.

Then suddenly my comms went into life.

"Arbiter, this is Light Company ready to assist on your orders."

I glanced at my left to see a group of Doms coloured on red replacing the dark purple to indicate friendly.

I glanced at my left to see a group of Doms coloured on red replacing the dark purple to indicate friendly

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I look the head of the group and nod towards him.

"Light Company engage and cover the scarab, protect it all cost!"

"Copy that Arbiter."

I look at the coming enemies and bought out my blade as it shone brighter.

Then I push full throttle to intercept the enemy Doms, I was followed by the rest of my kin

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Then I push full throttle to intercept the enemy Doms, I was followed by the rest of my kin.

Shots were fired from the other side I evade the shots smoothly. Once we met the enemy force I immediately struck the first blood.

A/N: Apologize for the delay, and also I publish another book called the Retributor.

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