I then noticed the grand staircase with its intricately carved wood railings and marbled steps which led to the second floor.

I was in complete awe of the library's beauty and grandeur. I was so mesmerized by the sight I nearly forgot why I had come.

I find a seat and flip my art book open tracing my fingers across the blank page and picked up my F-lettered pencil.

I felt my hands move effortlessly as if they had a mind of their own. Each stroke was like a piece of my soul coming to life.

I created a world of my own, a world where I could be free. A world without fear or doubt.

Suddenly, I heard a loud crash and was jolted out of my reverie. Someone dropped a book on the table I sat at. I looked up to see who had made the noise. A familiar pair of blue eyes and blond hair boy stood at the edge of the table.

"Hey, long time no see stranger." Alastor smiles, sitting across from me. A cinnamon smell wafts on my nose.

I hum a laugh. "I guess you could say that."

He says, "So, whatcha doing here?" Missing the hint that I'm not in the mood to speak.

"I'm just enjoying some peace and quiet. Finishing some homework."

"Oh fun! You don't mind if I join you?" He asks, but before I can even reply he's pulling books out of his bag. I look around at the empty tables confused why he chose this one.

He pulls his laptop out and grins at me. "This is the best spot in the library. I come here often. Maybe we can study together."

"Uh Y- yeah it is." I say. This is the second time he's asked me out and I'm not interested in dating or getting to know anybody.

"Oh neat." He points. " That's some good hand work there."

"Thank you." I say, chewing on the end of my pencil. His face is inches from mine.

"Here you can look." I slide the book to him so he can give me space.

He gushed, his eyes wide and his mouth parted. "These are beautiful." He continues to flip through my book for several minutes. Then finally, slides it back.

"Thank you." I go to reach for my book. His hand remains so that it brushes against mine. I stare for a moment too long at his calloused cold hands on mine.

He stares back at me with a smirk, receiving a raised eyebrow from me. I hold back my scowl and pull my book out of his grasp.

Alastor lightly chuckles before flipping his skater-boy hairstyle like 2011 Justin Bieber would.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch sometime? "

I was taken aback by his boldness and hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'm not really hungry."

"That's a shame," he said, still smiling. "Maybe another time then?"

Despite my attempts at avoiding the question, it was clear that he wouldn't stop until I agreed. I had no choice but to accept his offer and hoped I could find a way to get out of it later.

"Well?" He presses.

I reluctantly responded, "I guess."

Somehow his smile grew wider than before. "Okay. Cool. Can I get your number?" He runs his hand across his dirty blond hair playing with it casually.

I paused for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Finally, "I don't think so." I think quickly before he tries to convince me, "How about we meet here on Friday and plan something?" I suggest.

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