HueBOYD - My Favourite Poltergeist

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Title: My Favourite Poltergeist
Theme: Fluff! And a little bit of bit of angst - Romantic Ship
Description: Huey and BOYD have a fun time whilst no one else is around (Ghost!BOYD AU) Note - I'm actually really prouad of this one
Length: Long(ish)
Word count: 1547
Completion Date: 25th August 2022
TW: Panic Attack (?), Falling from a large height

Huey was a very "stay in the lines" kind of kid (At least, as well in the lines as he could be, being a member of his adventuring family) but reccently this duck in red had found his own supernatural mystery and it was pretty impressive and wild.

He had found a ghost boy in the forrest a few months ago and the two had got along like two awkwardly nerdy peas in a pod - or is birds of a feather a better simile?

Either way, the two had clicked in a holy matrimony of sweet, sweet geekiness and they spent every lasting breath with eachother, even if no one else could see Huey's supernatural "buddy".

Well, buddy was an understatement. The two were abundantly in love with eachother, they wished they could just give eachother real physical affection.

And despite being a ghost, BOYD had made it very clear that he was just happy to be Huey's assistant from the afterlife; not worried about why he was a spirit or why he was only seen by Huey.

He saw it as a sign, that they were just destined to meet but didn't get to whilst he was alive and so he made it his purpose to make sure Huey never had to be alone, unless he wanted to of course.

And today was a brilliant day! Huey had the house to himself, or at least that's what his family thought.


Huey giggled as he ran away from the chuckling ghost behind him who was trying to give him one of his funny ghost hugs.

Of course the duck wanted to just hug him! They were strangely comforting to him and everyday it felt as if BOYD was getting closer to being solid but, as most things with the two today, they had to make it their own game.

But of course something had to go wrong for the red duck, he couldn't just have a perfect day with his poltergeist parrot.

As he was confidently slidding down the highest banister he wobbled and fell off.

His eyes widened before he quickly clenched them shut, a million thoughts swirling all around his brain.

Would this be it for him? Would he becoming a ghost with BOYD now? Is that how death works? Would he even die from this, or would it just hurt a lot, maybe break a few of his bones? What would his family think?

His thoughts were cut off by cold arms tightly wrapping around him, feeling as if the air itself was working against itself to hold him. This loving grip was such a sensation that never in all his magical adventures had he felt something so strangely fascinating.

He slowly opened his eyes to see... BOYD?

They stared at eachother for a moment before Huey clutched onto him and laughed out of a mix of shock, happiness and confussion. Tears began to slip out of his eyes as he continued laughing and holding him tight.

"Oh- Oh jeez, BOYD-" he sputtered out more laughs, "How did you?! Oh, BOYD."

BOYD remained static for a moment before swinging Huey around and giggling along, "I have no idea but I can finally hold you!" He threw the duck up and caught him back safely in his arms, "Oh, I've never been so happy!"

Huey stopped laughing and paused for a moment, "Hey BOYD... can I... finally.." He cupped his cheek and leaned close, feeling BOYD's coldness meet his bill.

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