DaisyDonPanJosé - I'd Rather Sleep

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Title: I'd Rather Sleep
Theme: Fluffshot - Romantic Ship
Description: Daisy and José want to sleep but Panchito and Donald have other plans.
Length: Short
Word count: 503
Completion Date: 10th August 2022

It was the ripe morning, 7 o'clock sharp in the Duck Household (Duck obviously being the shortened term for Duck-Francisco Quintero González-Carioca) and José and Donald were curled up in a tangle of each other's arms.

Their peaceful snores echoed throughout the room even across to their lovers who were busy doing... something! A chaotic aura loomed around the rooster and duck as they filled up many bags full of... somethings!

Meanwhile, oblivious, the other duck and the parrot still laid. Blissfully unaware that some mischief was up to ruin their mourning snooze.

Panchito got very excited about the wonderful plan and began to fire his guns in the house, Daisy quickly hushing him- even though it was a normal occurrence in the Duck household and Donald and José had grown accustomed to the silly rooster's shenanigans.

Daisy giggled a little bit with Panchito as the decided now it was time to creep into the bedroom once more.

José began to stir, already knowing that he was going to be woke up be his favourite doofuses.

"Pssst- Hey-! Guys~" Panchito bent down and whispered, disturbing the tired birds.

José groaned, "Meu amour, dez minutos..." and just like that he turned away and held Donald back to his chest.

"But mi querido! We have an exciting day ahead of us!" Panchito tried to convince him but he wouldn't budge, figuratively or literally.

Daisy coughed and did the sweetest little voice that she could, "Come on Donald... Me and Panchito don't wanna go alone... We want to share this with you José.."

Donald gave a brief, "You heard José." and went back to hiding in his chest.

"Please~" The pair pleaded, kneeling at the foot of their very large bed.

Panchito got a small idea and his eyes lit up, "You can sleep in the car~ I'll sit with you on the way there and Daisy can sit with you on the way back.

"Why don't you just come and lay with us now? We can go out later." Donald grumbled from José's chest.

Panchito and Daisy looked at each other, they had to admit it's hard to refuse a big morning cuddle. So they quickly clambered into the bed and squished up against the two.

"Hah, knew you'd crack."
"Hmpth... I guess we can wait."
"It's a win-win for me."
"Meu amoures... please stop chatting and just enjoy the peace."

In fear of being kicked out of bed by a grumpy parrot they all obliged and huddled closer together, enjoying the warmth of each other and the smooth breathing being the only thing that made a sound.

And soon enough, all of them were asleep again, Panchito squished between José and Donald with Daisy clinging onto Donald losely.

A morning like this was rare in this lively household but a welcome event nonetheless.

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