Chapter 6_ A stressful day

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Kiara's pov

It's been a week, but there was no news from my friends or parents.

I began to slowly believe that they would have left me and wouldn't want to waste time looking for me.

This made me to spend nights crying in my locked room, wondering why I was even there.

Day after day I had to use up a lot of my energy, causing me to become completely weak and powerless. Thus the work also dragged on and I had to suffer more and more painfully for it.

In the last few days, I was barely able to stay on my feet, it seemed that the end would come soon, but... who cares?

I had hoped for quite a lot, but my hopes were gone and I no longer hoped that I would ever return home.

The guards as well as Aiden guarded me. Traitor! I couldn't help but look at him.

How could he do that! I think he isn't a reliable friend anymore...

I continued to cry, and flinched in my uncomfortable bed until Aiden came in with dinner.

He looked into my tearful eyes, which at that moment were looking at the wall.

He seemed to be lost in thoughts until I growled furiously at him to go away. The fennec fox did so, without any word only took a deep breath.


Third person's pov

It's night.

The team walked along the high cliff at the border of the city with the river below, continuing to look for any more clues to any hiding place where Kiara and Aiden might be.

Everyone was silent, each one was immersed in their own reality. No one said a word until the friends got scared because Kaden's phone started to rang.

The fox cursed, pulling out his phone and quickly turning off the sound.

"Oh no…" The boy sighed heavily.

"What is it?" Nikolas asked confused.

Kaden looked up and said that his parents are calling.

Just at the wrong time... It was not polite to not answer and ignore, and it would also worry the mother that I didn't answer at that late hour of the evening, so there were no options.

"What are you doing outside?" Mother asked curiously.

"Oh, so.. erm..." Kaden mumbled.

"We are playing hide and seek!" Claire walked next to the boy and exclaimed.

"At night?" Kai's mother asked again, this time in disbelief.

"Well yes! Yes... It's more fun that way! I'm a seeker and I've already found Claire! Now I have to go look further!"

"Well, alright..." The golden fox sighed.

Then followed questions about why Kia didn't give any message at all and whether everything was really okay.

Well yes, it has already been a week since Kiara couldn't be reached.

Kaden simply said that her phone doesn't work lately and often shows that there isn't a zone. But... he forgot to tell that his parents wanted to contact her.

This made parents wonder...

"Hey, son," this time father intervened: "what's going on? Are you really all right there? You don't sound very confident..."

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