Chapter 1_ Insight into memories

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Kiara's POV

That's how it all happened. My life wasn't as rosy as others might think. I was still a small, nine-year-old, fragile girl with an easily offended soul.

My parents often argued, threw dishes, and hit each other. I was just bothering them. They hated me, they used to hurt me out of anger, which left unpleasant scars.

It traumatized me. I couldn't stand this anymore.
So one day I decided to run away from home and never come back. Did I have a place to stay? Of course not. I didn't know anyone to turn to, but I didn't want to stay at home.

But here again, the next problems followed, which made my parents say goodbye to me forever. Yes exactly. I was picked up and taken to an orphanage.

At the court hearing, the parents were deprived of the child's rights and therefore I stayed there with other children.
Since I am a fluffy, silver marble fox, I was often bullied, but not for long.

After a week, my new parents, who were Iceland and Gray Fox, came after me. They welcomed me with open arms.

From the outside, they looked quite loving and nice, but I was wrong. My hopes for a loving family were dashed immediately, the next day when I woke up in my new home, which I could no longer consider my real home.

The new parents were too strict and made me do the housework - clean the house, wash the laundry... while they were gone for almost the whole day, or even lazing out here. I had to cook something, but I was too young to get myself something to eat.

Even though there were cameras at home and the door keys were always hidden from me, one day I somehow found them and, getting the door open, ran away.

Yes, again. Can you believe it? My childhood alone was full of escapism. But what wouldn't be done to get away from idiots...

But if it comes to that, then unfortunately they noticed me and tried to get me back in their arms, but I managed to hide in the bustle of people, so they lost me.

But now I was alone again, in the big city of Ashil, without any adults. I know it was dangerous, especially for a nine-year-old fox, but there was no choice...

So I wandered for almost two days. I was tired, I really wanted to eat. I don't know if my foster parents were looking for me or not, but I haven't seen them since the day I ran away.

These days I practically sat in the playground (except for the moments when I used to go somewhere to look for something to eat) and watched other children play and parents on the sidelines, sitting on benches, smiling happily.
It broke my already strangled heart.

During this time, I noticed that one golden fox mother with a red-gray fox father didn't take their eyes off me, languishing on the bench for two whole days. It made me a little nervous and uncomfortable.

And so until one evening, when the playground was empty, everyone at home was fed and happy, while I was alone outside shivering, the two foxes, after the shop that was next to the square, managed to come up to me.

They wanted to inquire about my long presence outside just on the cool days.

Noticing that both of them were coming and thinking that they would want to hurt me, even scared that they would take me back to the foster parents, or even to an orphanage, I ran away, but unfortunately, the man managed to stop me by grabbing the hand. I was too weak to break free from his grip.

They interrogated me for a long time and didn't let me go until they found out enough information from me (where I'm from, how I got here, where I got my scars and a lot more. I won't go into details).

Along with that, I managed to beg not to be taken back to hell, with tears in my eyes.
As I said, I was too sensitive and emotional girl in my childhood.

I remember that mother sighed plaintively, but her husband looked coldly into my eyes, as if through my soul, but he still hold me warmly and tightly hugged.

In the end, they both decided to take me home with them. It was big and beautiful!

Four more children already waited for me there. Two boys and two girls. I was afraid that I would get bullied or not being accepted into the family, but this time I was wrong.

The girl who was white with golden fur immediately accepted me as a sister with open arms.

She was the second youngest and her name is Mia. The youngest was the white and red fox - Nora. The quiet and shy one.

The oldest and head over his siblings was Soren. Always friendly smiling, with manners, red fox.

And finally Kaden. Second oldest. Red marble fox with unusually lightish golden eyes.

To be honest, I liked him. At first glance. He didn't talk to me much from the beginning, but his warm smile warmed me inside and made me feel invited home.

So... Turns out I was the third oldest.

They showed me the house and gave me a temporary room. Although I was very tired and longing to fall into a comfortable bed.

The two adults fed me properly and immediately put me to sleep. I had already forgotten what it's like to fall asleep when both parents are sitting next to me, gently caressing me and wishing me good night. The feeling was great.

I remember that Soren and Kaden also sneaked into my room to look at me, or as my older brother said- they came to see the poor fluff.

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