✧. * five *.✧

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Almost two hours has passed and you were still nowhere to be found. By the time, Jeongin also started loosing his calm with the setting Sun ; the dark paths almost making him anxious about you.
His heart was panicking as he knew it was your first time in jeju and if something happens to you, Jeongin's parents won't let him get in his house.

As he asked the next passerby about you, he saw you coming from a distant with someone, who happened to be the same old man from before. He felt like he could finally breath again ,when he ran towards you and was almost about to hug you but he didn't.
( maybe because you didn't spred your arms for him - he didn't feel welcoming )

" Yaah! why did you leave like that without telling me anything? why did you leave your phone in the car? do you have any idea how worr- uh ( gasp ) frustrated i was? "
- shit! what was i about to say -

The old man smiled ; when you went to walk earlier, you met him again in front of his hardware store. When he recognised you, he offered you something to eat and thus you talked to him, about your fight with Jeongin and how you felt bad because of his words. You somehow felt like you were talking to your father  when you told that old man those things, cuz your father used to be someone you shared every secrets with ; thus you were feeling better.
He told you how he also felt like running away from his wife sometimes, how he sometimes felt his love fading away but he keep on caring about her cuz his heart doesn't allow him to leave his most precious thing behind. He told you how he used to nag his wife when she was fine, how he used to be tough around her - but time changed after all. You can understand the importance of them in your life only when they are about to gone away - he stated.

" See, your husband also cares for you...maybe he realised it " - the old man said , making you and Jeongin look at each other ; his eyes weren't looking sharp and was noticably different in that moment as if his eyes were at soothe when they were looking at your face.

It was all silent inside the car on your way back to hotel, cuz neither you nor him wanted to bring up the early conversation again. You both were tired of fighting by this time.

" Jeongin!"
" Y/n " - you both again said at the same time, looking at each other you both insisted one another to say first. Jeongin ended up saying it first.
" Can we be friends? " - your eyes glazed when they shifted from your lap to his face, meeting with his ( pretty ) eyes that were fixed at you already. With a scoff he started concentrating on driving again, but your mind was still repeating his statement and you wanted him to elaborate it.

" I- I know we're just a fake couple and we agreed on living our lives separately but -"
he took a deep breath ," since we're living together, it's important to know about each other even a little bit. I'm the one who proposed this fake marriage, so i can compromise on some things right?."

I felt like I am dreaming cuz I never imagined this butthole ( Y/n? ) to say something so sweetly. Maybe the old man was right ; time changes people. Maybe he is feeling guilty after all.

With a bright smile you nodded ; Jeongin's lips also curved into a smile but he tried to control it ( yeah he was just trying to be cool kk ). He told you about his plan for the next day - cycling, beach, sunset and what not making you chuckle.
" You also had something to talk about right? " - he pointed when he remembered, but now when he asked to become his friend, how could you bring up the same conversation again pointing out his faults. Shaking your head twice, you said " i don't think i need to say anything now " when  Jeongin only looked at you with a smile appearing on his face.

So that was our fairly average honeymoon!

Your eyes snapped open when you heard Jeongin calling your name from downstairs. You lazily went downstairs, yawning continuously when you saw Jeongin quietly sitting on the dining room.
"Y/n, come here. We need to discuss this contract "- he said as soon as he saw you.
( contract?? what is that for?! )

He handed a piece of paper which was a "contract paper " he made himself for the two of you. He explained that it was for some terms and conditions which are need to be followed by both of you, since you are living together as a married couple.

Ugh no wonder ,this guy is a son of a business man. I mean, who would prepare such things? Moreover, he wants to restrict my freedom?? who does that to a friend? Now i'm in doubt if he consider me a friend or not.

" I believe friends should have limits too " - he added, smiling at you while you were reading each points of the contract with your full concentration.

The terms and conditions are as follows :

• No entering the other person's room without permission.

• No interfering with other person's private life.

• One can not bring friends without the other person's permission.

• No phone calls during the work hour ( from 9 to 5 )

• Must solve issues through communication

and just like that Jeongin and I agreed on the terms of the contract.

𝗦𝗼 𝗜'𝗺 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗧𝗼 𝗔 𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗲?  | Y. Jeongin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now