Part 31: WWI: Spot 12 Aug

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12 Aug

"Slow down Slim! Where ya goin"


Yeah? Where to?"

"To my spot."

"Well, you always come home with a good mess of fish. Where's your spot?"

"Don't be obtuse, I don't tell anyone where my spot is."

"That ain't the right word there, obtuse."

"It was good enough for Barney Fife."

"Well, I might just tag along behind you and just see where your spot is located."

"Wellll, I might just kick your butt too."

"Just for tagging along?"

"I'd kick your butt for a lot less."

"Hey! How long we been friends?"

"You know. How old are we?"

"I know you don't mean that. Do you?"

"Well, probably not, but I will tell you on occasion the idea tempted me. Especially when you start acting all knuckleheaded."

"Me? You must be thinking of someone else. I never act knuckleheaded. Now, let me get my pole, and let's go fishing."

"Aw, all right Bo Bo. Get your pole and you can come watch me catch fish. But, you ever tell anyone about my spot and when I get through with you there will barely be a greasy spot left."

"Woo Hoo! We're off. Fish for supper. But slim, this won't be your prime spot will it?"

"Course not."

WEEKEND WRITE IN PROMPTSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora