Weekend Write In: Part 29: Prompts: Police; Green ; Pointless ; Interview

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                                                                  08 Jul

With his best attempt at evanescence, Kevin raced quickly across the small clearing and into the dense foliage. His ghillie suit would have given the impression of a tropical Bigfoot if he had been seen. He had not been he was sure since no bullets were yet flying in his direction.

He leaned against a tree trunk catching his breath after the drone attack also taking a little time for the adrenaline rush to abate. And, after his breathing calmed, he listened intently for sounds of other possible pursuers. Not surprisingly, he heard them. The high-pitched whine of ATV's (all-terrain vehicles) along with the more throaty sound of exhaust from larger vehicles, presumedly trucks. If he made it out of this, he thought, it may be time to find a quiet little town with a small cadre of police. Perhaps one where the major offense was parking illegally.

He knew the pursuing trucks would be limited to the roads, cleared paths really, that he had crossed coming in. There were far more of those than he would have liked. The ATV's could be more efficient in traveling through areas of even light undergrowth.

Outrunning the approaching force was highly unlikely. His best bet, he was pretty sure, would be to make his way stealthily toward extraction while eliminating any obstruction that was foolish enough to get in his way.


                                                               15 Jul

Four of Diego Santiago's men dismounted from two ATV's at the point where they thought Kevin was likely to be in his flight to escape after being found with the drone. They found footprints in the clearing and knew where he had entered the trees. With the noise of the ATV's they made no effort to be quiet. They moved quickly down what looked like a game trail thinking that Kevin would have chosen the same route. There were four of them. He was one. They had very little concern.

For a while, they were able to spread out covering a larger search area. Then the undergrowth became denser forcing them into almost a straight line. Still making no effort to move quietly, they headed on at a steady pace.

Unnoticed by them, the green underbrush rose quietly up as the last man passed. Three quick strides and Kevin's left hand clamped over the man's mouth and his razor-sharp blade bit deep into his throat. Kevin rolled him slightly to the right and laid him down with barely a noise.

Walking normally, hoping the next guy in line would think his fellow soldier was still behind him, Kevin caught up to him. Using the same technique this guy was also eliminated.

Just beginning to stand up, Kevin saw the man in front of him turn, his eyes getting wide. Kevin's fingers uncurled from the knife handle letting it drop as it would. His right hand came up in a much-practiced motion, the thumb flipping the strap off of the top of his pistol while his fingers closed on the grip. It had to be drawn further from the holster to accommodate the length of the silencer attached but it came up and uttered its fatal pfft noise before the rifle could be aimed. The last of the four men, hearing the commotion, turned crouching as Kevin's pistol issued another lethal whisper ending his life. As he died his fingers clenched reflexively and a short burst of rifle fire erupted into the ground.

"So much for being quiet," Kevin said softly already moving away from the kill and further toward his point of extraction.


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