The Mission

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Layla and her brother are sleeping soundly. He is snoring pretty loudly and she sighs every one and a while.

Lucy watches them sleep, something deep within her instinctively wants to protect them.

Natsu's head is on her lap and he has almost fallen asleep but not quite, so she begins to absentmindedly running get fingers through his surprisingly soft hair.

"Thank you, Luce." He says before falling asleep. She smiles, he is such a dork.

Lucy begins to think about the story the girl and told her brother. It was sweet and struck something inside her.

Kayla had mentioned that it was a story her mother told them when they were little. Lucy couldn't help but think that she had heard it somewhere before.

But before she can put her finger on it, the train pulls into the station.

"Wake up kids." She says sweetly.

Layla is the first to wake up, her eyes are darker than usual, she blinked a couple of times, before her eyes turned back to normal. Lucy is mesmerized, that is not something that happens naturally.

She shakes her brother, "Idiot wake up."

Her brother shakes the motion sickness away, "I'm awake, I'm awake."

Lucy shakes Natsu awake, "We're here."

Natsu stretches awake. "Ok let's go."

The four exited the train and the train station. Layla gets tense when she smells the air. "You sense it, brother?"

Her brother looks around, "How can it be?"

Layla shacks her head. "Let's go."

By this time, the other two were throughly confused.
Lucy says, "The person who asked for the job lives this way."

Layla frowns, "Something is very off in this town, we should go and see about the job so we can quickly get out of here."

Igneel wraps his arms comfortingly around his sister's shoulder. "Nothing is going to happen." He whispers in her ear. "It's not the right time for the thing you are thinking about."

"Yeah I know but just being here could be making time fast forward."

"It'll be fine, Sis. No need to worry so much."

She pouts and says aloud. "It's in my nature to worry."

Lucy started to think how nice it was to have a sibling. She loves how close they are to each other.

A few minutes later the group was at a mansion. "Well here we are." Natsu says loudly.

"Idiot you don't have to be so loud." Lucy scolds him.

"Sorry Lucy."

Igneel and Layla laugh. "I told you dad was always a coward when it comes to mom." Igneel whispers.

"I never doubted you."

Lucy walks towards the door and knocks politely on it.

A maid answers it. "Hello you must be here for the request. Come in." She ushers them in. "The Lady has been waiting for you."

Layla stares down the maid, "I am sure she has."

She looks down at the ground. "She is in the sitting room, let me take you to her."

The girl leads the team into an elaborate room and sitting on a couch is a very wealthy older woman and what looks like her son.

"I am Lucy Heartfilla, this is Natsu Dragnell. And this is Kayla and Isaiah....."

"Honō." Layla quickly says.

Lucy looks at the weird girl for a second then continues. "We are Fairy Tail mages. We are here about the request."

The lady sighs. "I was beginning to think that no one would ever come to help us. My name is Rebecca White and this my son Jacob."

Lucy and Layla shake their hands. "What seems to be the problem?" Igneel asks.

Rebecca sighs, "It happened a few weeks ago. Jacob and I were at a high society party, when three men, powerful mages, came in, tied us up, and stole all of our jewelry and money."

Layla leaned in. "Did these men have black eyes? Not speak very much?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

"What was stolen?"

"A necklace given to me by my late husband. It has more sentimental value than monetary."

Layla stares deeply at the woman. "You are lying."

Lucy looks at Layla. "You can't accuse people of lying." She says harshly.

Jacob places his arms around his mother's shoulder, "I told you that you should have told them the truth." He turns to the group. "My little sister was taken."

Layla stands up. "I will bring her back." Then she leaves the house.

Igneel stands, bows, and follows his sister. Natsu follows his example. Lucy apologize for the others strangeness and leaves herself.

Outside Layla and Igneel are conversing. "The trail is too weak there is no way you can find it." Igneel says frantically.

"Watch me." She says defiantly. Layla raises her fingers, mouths something, then they begin to glow.

The Ancients, the ones who gave me the responsibility to protect the next generation, I call upon thee to led me to that who threatens the innocence of the world.

She makes a box in the air, big enough for a full grown person to fit in.

Layla dives in. "Good Great Celestial King." Igneel groans and jumps in after her.

For a few seconds, Lucy and Natsu are too shocked to do much of anything. Igneel sticks his head out.

"Hurry up the portal won't stay up for long."

Natsu, of course, is the first to jump in. Lucy, not wanting her favorite idiot to hurt himself, quickly follows after. As soon as she does the portal closes.

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