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Jungkook flopped on the bed the moment that they got back to their dorm together. Jimin huffed fondly at the sight, and Taehyung merely slid himself towards Jungkook, taking a seat on the bed as they all began to contemplate in silence the way things had turned out. Granted, Jungkook could admit he wished that they could have gotten a better...better outcome, but it was for the best, it had to be. They all knew that, and they had even accepted it, but it was still hard. Just because they accepted something did not mean that they had to like it. It was hard, seeing their ex-hyungs again. They had not really known what to do, and simply elected for ignoring them, but that was always easier said than done, and it was never easy to ignore someone, particularly people that you had thought cared for you, so they may or may not have struggled with that part.

"On the other hand, it should get easier as time goes on," Taehyung muttered softly. "We already are able to ignore them, and given the very large eyeing that NamJoon-ssi was giving us the entire time, I think that we managed to do very well all things considered." Both Jungkook and Taehyung perked up a bit at that information. After all, there was some merit to what Taehyung was saying. Barring that, despite how difficult things were going, they should focus on the positives, as well as the negatives. They did manage this, and they had done well, it may have been absurdly difficult, but they had managed to handle themselves quite well all things considered. They had not broken, and they had stood their ground in their insolence, if one could call it that.

"Hyung, do you think..." Jungkook trailed off, unsure of what he should say, or if he should speak further on the subject. Things were rather tense at the moment, and he really would prefer not making them worse, but a part of him was just...unbearably curious about everything. He wanted to know....wanted more information, even though he knew that it was going to be rather difficult for him. Clearing his throat and sitting just a bit straighter, Jungkook rushed forwards ignoring the trepadition curling through his veins. "Do you think that they may try and talk to us? Or that perhaps we had been a bit too hasty in our judgement?"

"Do you think that we were?" Jimin questioned, both himself and Taehyung sitting besides Jungkook, turning to face him so that they could see him better, and show him also, just how serious that this was. When it came to Jungkook's worries and insecurities, these things wer ealways serious. It was worrying that he had so much indisicion about what they had done, and Jimin and Taehyung could admit that if Jungkook truly wanted to, they would be willing to give the other Hyungs a chance, despite the fact that they did not want to. It was really up to the other, considering that it was him that their ex hyungs had treated the worst. Whilst every part of their being screamed not to allow them back in, they knew that Jungkook's certainty that they were doing the right thing trumped all other emotions that they may have regarding the situation.

Granted, they despised the way that they had been treated. Even more so they despised the way that they had treated Jungkook, because of all of them, Jungkook was the most important, in both Jimin and in Taehyung's mind. After all, they had found Jungkook, they had helped him, and taken care of him for such a long time. Both Jimin and Taehyung were rather protective of Jungkook, but they also knew that the other had good points and good advice, more so than most and so it was rather hard not to listen to him, even if he was a bit doubting of himself, usually he had good points and made good references.

"No," Jungkook admitted softly, in answer to Jimin's question. "I don't. To be hoenst, I think that it was a long time in coming, and that we just kept attempting to cling onto them. Not that it is a bad thing persay!" Jungkook hastily replied. "I just don't think that we did a good job of preparing ourselves, because we were hoping that things would be so different, and then they were not. There was so many signs that showed that we should have been more cautious, but we were not."

"Like their entire deal with you," Taehyung said gently. "in the beginning. How we had to argue and fight them to allow you to come with us, we should have never had to do that." Jimin nodded, they were not wrong about that. It had been weird how against taking Jungkook with them that the others were, particularly Jin. Neither of them could really understand it, but they supposed it was because they had not beleived that they needed him. Taehyung and Jimin realized that, but at the same time, they should have never had to really put the bottom line down in the first place. It was not something that they would have normally had to do.

"I never really thought about that," Jimin muttered under his breath. "At least not since they agreed to take Jungkook with them in the end, but Tae-ah, you are right, that is a red flag that we should have paid attention to in the beginning."

"I just...I hope that things will get easier." Jungkook admitted with a heavy handed sigh. "As much as I want to pretend and make it seem as though I don't feel hurt, I am, and I don't know how to approach it. There was a large part of me that had thought that we would be a group forever, and now we are not, it is just...baffling a bit, and I am unsure how to really...process it. Despite knowing that we aren't a group anymore, a part of me still expects one of them to come up and ask me how the days been, even if it has been months since they truly asked me anything like that."

Jimin and Taehyung nodded, they felt the same way, and though they normally pushed the emotions down, they also knew that it would be a while before any one of them truly got over the betrayal that they had been handed. If they ever even would. It also did not help that there were rumors now being spread amongst the knights. A lot of people were accusing the Crown Prince of hiding among the Hwarang House. It was times like these that Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook would huddle with the Hyungs and talk about those things, and maybe even hypothesis and laugh together. Those times would not be happening now, though, and it was a hard thing to accept.  

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