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Jungkook had to say, now that he was not having to deal with the Hyungs, the class was far more enjoyable. His worries regarding the Hyungs getting angry or frustrated, or even worse just ignoring them, were absent. Now, he had no worries to deal with, nobody to worry too much about barring the two besides him. Well, them and perhaps Hansung and Yeowool. Barring that, he did not really have to worry about how people were going to react, as long as he stayed within his own self proclaimed bounds. It felt...oh so refreshing. He knew he had nothing to prove to them, he did not have to worry of a thinly veiled annoyance and frustration with them. As much as their Ex-Hyungs may have claimed otherwise, he could tell. He may not be the best with emotions, but he was the one able to feel them the best within his group of three. It had always been that way, it was his specialty after all.

"Tomorrow, I wish your essays on what exactly you think should have been done rather than what they had actively done. Give me a better strategy. One more likely to work, than the failed one given." The teacher said, his dark eyes canvassing the classroom. They lingered for just a moment upon the Ex Hyungs, and on them. Taehyung narrowed his eyes, staring directly back, challenging. The Teacher seemed to cough a bit, returning his gaze behind him to the board. "Needless to say, I do hope that you will put some thought into this assignment."

"Saem! I have a question." Jungkook raised his hand, drawing the teacher's attention once more to their little group. Taehyung rolled his eyes, dropping his shoulders a bit frustrated that Jungkook had raised attention to the group after he had managed to divert it so well. He could not begrudge the boy if he had a question though. If Jungkook wanted to know something, or needed to know something more than what they were being told...Well Taehyung knew he would be a right devil until he got the answer that he wanted either way, it was best to just go along with what he wanted. He was going to either get his way one way or another, or he would be annoying until one caved and they gave him the answer.

The teacher themselves furrowed their brow at the unusual address, but these boys had been saying some unusual things since they entered, he figured it was common where they were from, and from the sounds of it, the address was supposed to be respectful, not mocking or anything similarly so he let it slide. Furthermore, it would not do for them to realize that he could not understand everything that they did or spoke. That would only encourage behaviors that he definitely did not want to encourage. So he merely nodded his head towards Jungkook, pretending as though the confusion over the address did not exist.

"The report itself, would it not be better to give us another day to work on it? So, have it due the day after tomorrow. Otherwise, you are not really going to get very thought out replies. There is only so much time between when all of our classes are over, and tomorrow's classes begin, after all. Then tomorrow you could go over various strategy types to give the students ideas on what to write about." The teacher paused, thinking it over. He did not dare to question him, not knowing his status, but knowing very well that the two boys on either side of him would not hesitate to...well...it did not matter really. What did matter was that he was dangerous to anger, and furthermore, he made some rather surprisingly good points in his suggestions.

"I see your point, Jungkook-ssi. Very well, the day after tomorrow. However, I do want rather good essays, given I am giving you an extension on the work. Be sure to turn it in on time, and please, contemplate the various strategies you know, and that I shall give you in tomorrow's class." The teacher huffed, stalking out of the room as he did so, flipping his arm sleeve before leaving. Taehyung laughed, jumping out of his seat and wrapping his arms around Jungkook, pulling him out of the chair, and grabbing Jimin as he did so.

"Come on, lets get to the dorms." He said simply, and they left, not bothering to take a glance behind them towards their previous friends. It was useless, and they felt a bit more powerful as they did so. It felt...complete. They were three once again, but at the same time...at the same time a part of them were happier, now, than they were previously. If asked to describe it, Jimin was not sure what he would say. It was just, this feeling of lightness that he knew he had not felt in a while. He was grateful for it, and delighting in it.

He had not really been aware of how anxious and nervous he had been the last few months, not until now, and he was not sure that it was a good things. After all, he had thought that they were safer with the others. Perhaps they had been, and that Prophecy had seemed so...so real. They had originally wanted to bring peace, but at the end of they day, Jimin was not going to sacrifice his, nor Taehyung and Jungkook's well being for some stupid prophecy that may or may not be true. He did not care even if it was true, such...such people, he just could not. Even if it was true, and they were damning this version of Korea..well...Jimin would take that risk. He would take it if the alternative was being miserable and mistreated and neglected for eternity. He felt that Taehyung, Jungkook, and himself, they had enough of that.

"Hey, so, what are we going to be doing about the homework, really though?" Jungkook wondered. "We dont know what sort of strategies that they have in this time period, and if we accidentally use one from a different period, it could draw attention, either good or bad. So...shouldn't we head to the library?" He asked, as he was steered toward the dorms. Jimin chucked softly.

"So that is why you wanted the teacher to give a class on strategies." Taehyung muttered under his breath. Jungkook pursed his lips but did not respond to that. Of course it was, he had no other reason to challenge a teacher's decision. It was daring at best, and Jungkook was not one who regularly rebelled against that type of authority. Every once in a while, and only if he disliked the teacher themselves. This teacher, well, he was not the best, but Jungkook did not hold anything against him either.

"Of course it is, why else would I have done such a thing?" Jungkook muttered, not wanting to be disrespectful to Taehyung, but also curious. Taehyung just gave him a smile and ruffled his hair a bit harshly. Jungkook endured it and waiting for Taehyung to answer.

"You are right, there is no other reason. I am glad that you did this, your foresight will definitely help us."

"We can go to the library, Kookie," Jimin interrupted, "We will, naturally, but we should have another meeting with just the three of us whilst Han Sung and YeoWool are out of the dorms." 

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