iii • a natural domain

Start from the beginning

          And one of those days being the devastation Jack Frost had made in 1963, five years before he pulled the same shit all over again on Easter Sunday.

          You weren't that mad over the snow storm itself, no you could care less about that, growing trees back was a lot easier than anyone thought. No what really pissed you off was the fact that it caused such a kerfuffle in what was supposed to be an event that appreciated trees, the snow being treated as a bad omen enough for the people to somehow curse you out.

          God, it got so bad that not only were you forgotten, you almost died.

          And the fact that it happened not that long ago irked you even more, because not only was the wound still fresh—your cursed brain somehow remembered every single little detail, even down to the pain and weakness you felt in the years to come.

          And all because Jack fucking Frost, couldn't spare a single day where he didn't act like such an ass—

          "We!" You jumped when one of North's swords was aimed straight towards you, grinning and pointing it to everyone else in sweeping motions, "Will collect the teeth!"

          Your brows raise in amusement, leaning back on your hands and completely putting aside your little crisis.

          But as you did, however, you were so rudely reminded of it by the fact that Jack was somehow right beside you, holding his staff and crouching to also spectate. You probably wouldn't have cared, or even noticed if you were to be honest, but the fact that he was sitting right next to you made you more than a little ticked off. Seriously? You were just complaining about him and he had the gall to show up right beside you? What kind of sick joke was this?!

          "And Jack, if you help us," North speaks, a determined look on his jolly ol' face, "We will get you your memories."

          You turn to look at him, all in boredom and your face no doubt showing that. You were once again met with his side profile, a slow nod letting strands of his hair bounce softly, "I'm in."

          North and Tooth loudly cheer, Sandman doing a small victory dance while pictures played on top of his head. Bunny. . .was being Bunny, with his arms crossed and everything.

          Jack catches your gaze, turning his full attention towards you with a cocky smirk. Ah yes, he thinks he's suddenly gained some sort of upper hand just because he caught you zoning out while accidentally staring at his face.

          "Alright well as much as I don't doubt your abilities," You break contact, gripping your knees before standing. The air that your feet were previously in changed into flowers, once again making steps for you as you joined everyone else's level with a few stretches, "I still think we're going to need some help."

          You look around, the tree growing in the little grotto making you nod as you extended a hand. "Should be good enough." You clenched your fist, and almost instantly the bark of the tree caves in to form a doorway, Jack jumping slightly as he chuckles, "Didn't know you could do that."

          "Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me," You hummed, an excited Tooth and Sandy already making their way inside as your flower-steps make themselves known once again. "And things I wouldn't want you to know."

          "Ouch," He walks beside you, carefully balancing on the edge of the rock while you practically walked on thin air, "And I thought I was the cold one here."

          You ignored him, instead hopping right inside and turning to Bunny and North, who were approaching the dark entrance quite nervously. They've heard of this little trick of yours, even seen you do it a bunch of times—but this was their first time using it. You were quite picky with this little quote unquote 'secret' of yours, and so finally being introduced to it felt like a downright honor.

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