iii • a natural domain

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          "Ugh, why didn't I just kill Pitch when I had the chance. . ." North sighs as you once again complain about it, bumping your knees with a small huff, "Because you weren't Guardian yet."

          "But I had the powers!" You stared at the sickle in your hand, gripping tightly on the vines that have wrapped themselves back properly already, "If I. . .I didn't. . .Tooth wouldn't have to be suffering right now," You shake your head, placing it back against your hip as you sat on the stone ledge, feet dangling as North looks up at you, "None of us would be."

          "Stop that, you're doing that annoying thing again." Bunny hits your leg with his boomerang lightly, sighing, "You're always the one telling us to 'stay positive' and to be optimistic about things. Why aren't you following your own advice, mate?"

          "Bunny is right," North smiles, the Christmas cheer evident even in such small moments of his, "No use regretting past now. We have another chance! And this time," He places a hand on your knee, nodding, "We will finish the job."

          You go to nod, but attention goes to where Jack was walking on the water alongside Tooth, who had taken it upon herself to explain how and why they collect the teeth. "My memories?" He asks, confusion evident all over. She nods, hovering alongside, "From when you were young. Before you became Jack Frost."

          You watch as he backs away, shaking his head, "But. . .I wasn't anyone before I was Jack Frost." Tooth smiles, inching closer, "But of course you were! We were all someone before we were chosen."

          "You should've seen Bunny," North quietly snickers, using his sword to point at the flustered rabbit before wheezing, "I told you never to mention that!"

          "You were so short. . !" You added fuel to the already growing fire, your legs dissipating into leaves when he tried to swipe at you. North wheezes even more, hunched over and barely keeping it together.

          "Are you—are you saying that I had a life?" He stammers, backing away with a growing look of interest, "Before that! With. . .with a home? And a-and a family?!" Tooth looks at him sadly, head tilting sideways, "You really don't remember?"

          He starts going off about his revelations, excitement all over while you only zoned out.

          You've been doing that a lot actually, zoning out.

          Ever since you found yourself alive again and seemingly immortal, that's how you managed to survive your days and go through life at a more carefree pace. Time worked differently when you had no accurate number of a life expectancy, breezing through decades like how you would travel the world as a bundle of leaves.

          It was only by some miracle that you found yourself a Guardian, the Man in the Moon somehow choosing you as the sole protector of nature and all it's wonders. You didn't mind of course, you've been a bit protective of it even before you were given the abilities to control them.

          No, what made you confused as to why you've been chosen was the fact that your hands weren't exactly the cleanest.

          Maybe it's the immortality, but since the day you emerged from your rocky grave you've been haunted by memories of your short-lived life. And as time went on your memories only seemed to get clearer, remembering every little detail of every little action you've ever made with crystal clear clarity.

          And you hated it.

          Yes it helped you remember things you truly didn't wish to forget. . . but it also made you remember things you didn't want.

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