chapter 10

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Ryan Rover are you going to deny it?

Ryan couldn't take it anymore so he strangled Jason really hard. Shannara had never seen him like this before. It was as if a beast had taken over his soul. She held Ryan's hand and said, " i know you are hurting but please don't do this." After Ryan heard Shannara' s soft voice he released Jason from his grip. Jason gasped for air .

the next time you mention my mother i swear i will definitely kill you.

After hearing this, Shannara held his hand even more firmly.

Ryan i am not scared of you. Don't think that just because you are rich you can do whatever you want....... You think you are above the the law.

Just after he finished speaking, his brother Liam appeared from behind. " What's happening here." He asked.

bro it's good you came, Ryan wants to kill me.

and why is that?

just because I was on a date with Shannara.

Ryan is Shannara your girlfriend? If yes then i will kill Jason myself cause I wouldn't want what happened to your father to happen to you too. But if not then you have no right to touch my brother.

Ryan was so enraged but Shannara' s hand that held him cooled down his boiled blood. He then responded, " i know you have hated me ever since your dad died, but was it my fault? Can you really blame me?"

looking at you only reminds me of your stubborn father who never wanted to listen to my father's advice. Why did he drive while drunk when he knew that my dad was in the car.

well it was your stubborn father who followed my dad. If you want to blame anyone blame your father and your self for not stopping him from following my dad like a homeless person.

Ryan Rover watch your words.

"or what?" Ryan asked with blood shot eyes. Oh you think i don't know that you have been trying to kill me?

what are you talking about

Liam just know that next time you won't be lucky.

The three men caused a commotion outside the restaurant and people started gathering. Liam thought that Ryan had some evidence and didn't want to get exposed Infront of the crowd so he decided to leave first.

"Ryan Rover i will get back at you for trying to kill my brother." He said then left.

All this while Shannara was quiet just watching the three men exchange words but she was not going to stand by if the 2 brothers attacked Ryan. " He is my boss and i was hired to protect him." She thought.

Shannara let's go, i will take you home.


Ryan took Shannara home. He parked by the road side and apologized for what had happened.

I am really sorry for what happened

there is no need to apologize. It wasn't your fault but I just want to know why you reacted like that when you saw me with Jason. I mean we are not dating

I know this is hard to believe cause I can't believe it myself.. I love you Shannara.

how is that possible? You have always hated me. How can hate turn into love the next day.

i have never hated you. That was all an act to keep you far away from me because I didn't want to fall for you. I liked you the minute I saw you and i hated it.

is what Jason said about you using women true?

Shannara that was before I met you. At first i never believed in love but you changed all that . I am a changed person.

can we forget this ever happened. You are my boss and I your bodyguard so things can't work out between us.

Author's P.O.V
Even though Shannara's heart was shuttered, there was nothing she could do. She didn't believe he had changed or that he was in love with her. So she promised herself to forget about him even if it wasn't easy.

Shannara what i tell you is the truth.

" i will be right back, just give me 10minutes." She said as she left the car.

Ryan felt as though his heart was stabbed as he saw Shannara enter her house. He then remembered his brother's words. " You will understand when love Strikes you. He felt like dying.

Shannara' s house
hey big sis.

" hey sis, hey mum." She greeted them as she went straight to her room to pack up her clothes. Her mother followed her.

"how was your date and why are you packing your clothes?. Going to Jason's house??" She asked smilingly.

it was a disaster and i am going back to the mansion i have to protect my boss.

did something happen?

yes but i don't have time to explain. Will tell you when i am free. Bye.

Shannara left the house in a hurry and entered the car. Ryan got surprised after seeing the bag. " Aren't you still on leave" he asked. " I have already spent three days with my family so it's okay. I have to get back to work." She responded.

are you sure.

yes boss.

please just call me Ryan.

boss is okay with me.

Ryan didn't know what to say he just looked at her and started the car. When they arrived at the mansion Janifer was already sleeping. Shannara just got her bag said her good night to Ryan then went to her room. Ryan also went to his room but couldn't sleep at all. He didn't know that love could hurt like this.

Liam hill's mansion
bro i told you Ryan is in love with Shannara and he would do anything for her. We should now kidnap Shannara' s mother.

can you listen to what you are saying. Why are you this dumb?

come on bro give me some credit. At least i achieved something today. So i don't get why you are being rude to me.

well i admit you did something great today but you are not using your brain correctly.

what do you mean by that Liam.

it's not Shannara' s mother that we have to kidnap.

then whom?

Liam was now loosing his patience. you are seriously pathetic.... Kidnap Shannara...... But don't do it right now, wait for things to get back to normal..

how long should I wait?

"2 months" he replied with an evil grin.

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