chapter 5

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Shannara ' s P.O.V
This man looks adorable when he sleeps.....So calm, peaceful and very attractive.... I wonder which demon poses his soul when he is awake.

The next day.

good morning boss, how are you feeling?

what happened to me?

Well you fainted and don't worry the room service guy is one who changed your take some pain killers.
where did you get them from?

from the first aid kit at the reception.

what's the time?

It's 10: 13am why do you ask boss?

we need to get going, call for a taxi.

Boss the meeting is already done.

what do you mean.

Well Mr Logan called your phone and i picked up.....

And then what? Can you tell me the details and stop getting on my nerves.

well he wanted to speak to you. I told him you are not well, then he said he would terminate the contract because he thought you were just avoiding him........ After some struggles i convinced him to let me attend the meeting via zoom.

    Ryan's expression changed drastically.

Boss don't worry everything has been finalized, the contract is still on.

well that's a relief he said inwardly, after releasing the breath he was holding for some seconds

are you not going to say thank you?

Ryan didn't say a word, he just looked at her then closed his eyes


30 minutes later the food that Shannara had ordered was delivered to the room. Although Ryan was feeling a bit better, he still required someone to feed him so Shannara did so.

i have already called the mechanics. And as we speak right now, a new starter motor is being installed. We will be able to go home very soon.

Shannara............. thank you.

Shock was written all over her face and so she couldn't help but ask.
for what?

for everything..... I know I have been so rude to you since the day you started working for me but yet  you helped me. Thank you.

it's nothing, i am sure you would do the same for me. And forget the past i don't  hold grudges. From now on be good to me.


  Shannara' s P.O.V
This man is not that bad..... I can't believe he has a good heart inside aww.....well at least he won't be rude to me anymore.


  Ryan's P.O.V

I believe this girl took care of me the whole night.... She even has dark circles under her eyes. Ryan be good to her.
Being good to her isn't  bad after all...... It feels great. But this doesn't mean I am going to love her. I am seriously not up for the idea of love.

boss it's time to go home  the car has been brought.


At the mansion
how are you feeling Ryan, i was told by Shannara that you got sick.

Don't worry nanny i am fine am. it must be something that i ate at the port.

  i even forgot that you are allergic to certain foods.

well he just lied about being alright. He is still feeling weak.

Shannara can you be quiet. Ryan said in a more normal tone.

Ryan you should be taking care of yourself when you go out , watch what you eat. Nanny Janifer emphasized

  i hear you nanny.......... Okay i am going to rest now. Wake me up for dinner.


     Hey nanny do you always call him by his first name?

   well yes. I practically raised him. It's a pity he never experienced motherly love.

     where is his mother?

     well no one knows.

    i guess it's a sad story.

    A very sad one. By the way I heard him call you by your name.

     well we are making some progress.....let me help you with cutting the vegetables.

    thank You my child.

    Come on nanny don't mention it.


    Author's P.O.V
Dinner was served and Janifer was surprised to see Ryan being fed by Shannara. Everyone enjoyed their meal and it was time for bed.


     Janifer' s P.O.V
I just wish Shannara could soften the heart of my boy. I want him to see that true love exist and not all women are like his mother. May God help this girl to break every wall built around his heart. She seems like a nice girl.


    Author's P.O.V
Ryan went to his room and so did Shannara. Shannara   had a little conversation with her mum before she slept.

Ryan recovered after two days and continued with his daily schedule.  It was now month end and the company held it's annual general meeting. They afterwards organized a grand party to celebrate the success of the company. Dividends were given to shareholders and workers received their bonuses.

At the mansion
good morning nanny.

good morning Ryan........... today you are not working?

No i am not working today. We are having a party this evening.

oh really...... And who is your date.

  i haven't thought about that.

don't tell me you want to go with those models that you always go with.

well... That's not a bad idea.

no way Ryan, i won't let you do that.

Well nanny are you going to find me a date?

well yes I have someone in mind.

"and who is that?" He asked sarcastically.

"Shannara....." Janifer replied with a wide grin.

don't tell me.

Is there anything wrong with her.? She asked.
i can't go with my bodyguard.

My dear going with Shannara will make it easy for her to protect you. Please go with her.

Well talking about protecting, i am not even sure she
can protect me.... I mean I have never seen her in action.

isn't it good that you are not being attacked.

i was just saying my thoughts..... Anyway tell Shannara to get ready.

come on Ryan that's not how you ask for a date...... Tell her yourself and don't forget to be polite.......
You youngsters of nowadays are something else......

alright nanny i hear you. By the way where is she?

she's in her room.

ok let me talk to her.




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