Chapter 19 The Netherlands are through to the Semi-Finals

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Chapter 19 The Netherlands are through to the Semi-Finals 

Everyone was jumping for joy. The final whistle blew, Esmeralda was escorted down to the pitch with the rest of the family. They had england in the semi finals. Esmeralda couldnt wait, hopefully The netherlands would get to the final.  Vivanne came to Esmeralda and pulled her into an embrace. Esmeralda had a smile on her face. 

Esmeralda leaned down and whispered in Vivanne’s ear “2 more games and then we can make our little one” said Esmeralda. Vivanne blushed and then hit Esmeralda in the chest making her chuckle. Soon it was time for a shower. Esmeralda stood outside the locker room waiting for her wife. 

Before Esmeralda knew it Vivanne joined her again they had 4 days off before they faced England in the Semi-Finals. Esmeralda wished they both could get through but knew that couldnt happen. Vivanne and Esmeralda knew this game would come and made a pact that they wouldnt celebrate. 

Esmeralda and Vivanne made their way to the coach to leave. Their were fans Esmeralda smiled as Vivanne signed autographs. Esmeralda caught Vivanne eye and winked at her. 

Once Vivanne signed the autograph she pulled Esmeralda on to the bus and sat down in their normal seat with Vivanne sat on Esmeralda lap waiting for the rest of the Dutch players. Vivanne and Esmeralda were talking among themselves when the rest of the Dutch players sat down. Daan sat down beside Esmeralda and Vivanne. 

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