Chapter 14 Esmeralda suprises Vivanne

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Chapter 14 Esmeralda suprises Vivanne

Esmeralda and Vivanne left their room after everyone had left. Esmeralda lead Vivanne to the lift and then they leave the hotel. Vivanne was confused where they were going.

Esmeralda then ordered a taxi to get them where they were having their dinner at Richmound Station. Esmeralda led Vivanne into the restaurant, they were sitting at a private table away room all the other dinners. 

Esmeralda and Vivanne had a 3 course meal. Esmeralda and Vivanne was stuffed when they finished there meals. Esmeralda had Grass Feed Beef Tartare, Duo Of Muscovy Duck and Chocolate Moose. Vivanne chose  Grass Feed Beef Tartare, Buschbeck Farms Lamb and Basque Cheesecake. 

Once they had finished their meal they was walking around when they got the the park. “I want to give you something” explained Esmeralda. “It’s a promise I will be with you wherever you go I am not far behind” expressed Esmeralda. Vivanne was shocked and in awe of the beautiful ring. 

Esmeralda loved showering Vivanne with gifts and she would do that for as long as they both will live. 

Esmerlada and Vivanne then got a taxi back to the hotel and they watched movies while they cuddled with Vivanne on Esmeralda chest. Vivanne was up early for their first Group game and couldnt wait to win. Esmeralda stayed in bed a bit longer this one wasnt for the family. 

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