Chapter 3 The First Team Meeting

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Chapter 3 The First Team Meeting 

Esmeralda and Vivanne were settling into their hotel room, they had already unpacked when there was a knock on the door, it was Daan.  Daan jumped into Esmeralda arms, Viv looked on and smiled they were the best of friends they are like sisters. 

Vivanne and Daan sat on the couch and talked while Esmeralda made their drinks and how they liked it. Soon it was time for the team meeting, they all left together. Esmeralda is always welcomed to the team meeting and the players love seeing them there. Esmeralda was nervous to bump into her sister and her wife. 

Esmeralda sat in the meeting wife Vivanne on her lap leaning into her. Esmeralda just held her tight. After the meeting Esmeralda and Vivanne choose to go exploring around Toronto before dinner in 3 hours. They went to Toronto Market. 

Esmeralda and Vivanne was walking to the dinning hall when they met up with the rest of the Dutch team. Vivanne was infront of Lucindia and leaning into her. Viv’s team mates all loved how Esmeralda and Vivanne acted around eachother. 

Dutch players filed in, Lucindia was the only one not on a diet but she didnt eat great so her wife always did her plate and it works great for them. Esmeralda is not anorexic but her father withheld food from her one of his many abuse tatics. 

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