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(No, they aren't speaking, that's just the translation to what they're meowing <3)

Bakugo and Tsuyu, the two cats who got hit with a temporary quirk were currently curled up together on the common room couch.

Katsuki meowed as he nuzzled into Tsuyu, "I'm hungry."

Tsuyu meowed back, "Me, too, but there's no one around."

Tsuyu sat up and looked around for someone. Anyone who could help them get some food. Her cat ears perked up excitedly as she spotted Midoriya coming from out the elevator.

Tsuyu meowed excitedly as she jumped down from the couch and ran towards Midoriya.

"Oi, wait up!" Katsuki hissed as he chased after her.

"Huh?" Midoriya put on a questioned look as he looked down at Tsuyu who patted her paw against his foot, "Oh, Asui-San? Is something the matter?" He asked as he crouched down.

"Deku?!" Katsuki hissed again as he caught up to her, "Hell no! I won't be fed by this loser!!"

"Why not?" Tsuyu meowed as she turned to face him.

"Because I won't give this damn nerd a reason to look down on me!!"

Midoriya listened to the two meowing at each other for a few seconds and chuckled nervously, "Uhm.."

Tsuyu pounced onto Katsuki and held him down as she looked up at Midoriya, "Meow!"

"Ah, Asui-San! W-What're you doing to Kacchan?!" He squealed.

"Mew!" Tsuyu pointed her paw over to the fridge in the kitchen.

Midoriya turned his head in confusion, his eyes landing on the fridge, "O-Oh! You both are hungry?"

Tsuyu meowed in affirmation and nodded her head. Katsuki then pushed Tsuyu off of him, pouncing onto her and pinning her down as he looked up at Midoriya.

Katsuki shook his head and meowed, "No! We're not fucking hungry, damn Deku!!"

Just then Katsuki's stomach rumbles hungrily as Tsuyu pushed him down yet again.

Katsuki turned his head in embarrassment as he huffed, "Meow."

Midoriya chuckled, "Alright, c'mon, you two." He smiled, standing up and walking with them over to the kitchen.

Tsuyu started to follow him before she stopped and turned around to see Katsuki wasn't following, instead just laying on the floor.

"Katsuki, what're you doing?" She meowed.

"Tsk, laying here. I'm not letting that damn Deku feed me," he meowed.

Tsuyu rolled her eyes, "Yes, you are."

She walked over to him and bit into his scruff, (the back of his neck) and carried him, dragging him with her into the kitchen.

Katsuki groaned as his tail swayed slowly, "Meww.."

They walked the small length into the kitchen and she dropped him two feet behind Midoriya so he wouldn't step on him.

"Let's see what we can find in here," Midoria spoke as he opened up the fridge and looked inside.

"Mew," Tsuyu meowed as she walked inside the fridge, looking for some food that weren't anyone else's.

Her eyes landed on a medium sized container with food inside, she leaned in and sniffed it curiously.

"Oh, this?" Midoriya questioned and Tsuyu nodded her head. He pulled the container out the fridge and opened it up, "It's my leftover Katsudon from last night! Would you both like it?"

Tsuyu nodded her head, "Mew!"

"What about Kacchan?" He asked, looking behind him to see Katsuki still laying on the floor.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and meowed, "Whatever."


The two finished eating Midoriya's leftover Katsudon and laid back on the couch.

"That was yummy," Tsuyu meowed as Katsuki nuzzled atop of her.

"I guess!" Katsuki hissed.

Tsuyu rolled her eyes, "You're the one who wanted to eat."

"Yeah, but- s-so did you!!"

Tsuyu snickered, "Yeah, I know. But you ate most of it."

"Meow!" Katsuki hissed and pushed his paws into her back.

Tsuyu rolled over to face him. She pounced at him and pinned him down into the couch.

"O-Oi, get off me, damn cat!!"

Tsuyu's ears perked up as she smiled. She leaned in and licked his cheek.

Katsuki's ears perked up as well, his tail started to sway back and forth, "Woah."

She sat on top of him as she started to groom him. Licking his head, ears and cheek. Katsuki purred as she did so.

Minutes go by, Katsuki relaxes and Tsuyu stops grooming him.

"Feel better now?" She asked.

His ears twitched, "I guess.."

Tsuyu laid atop of him and pressed her nose into his cheek, "Good."

//Kᴀᴛsᴜʏᴜ Bᴏᴏᴋ 2//Where stories live. Discover now