~Baby Neko~

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(If you haven't read my first Katsuyu book, I urge you to do so to understand this chapter better <3)

Tsuyu was in the common room, sitting on the couch with small Neko Bakugo in her lap.

Tsuyu was currently reading a book while Bakugo purred softly as he rubbed his head into her stomach.

"Hey, Asui?" Midoriya spoke as he walked beside the couch.

Tsuyu looked up from her book before closing it slowly, "Oh, hey, Midoriya. What is it?"

"You said we going to train today, is that still happening?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Oh, yeah of—"

Bakugo suddenly climbed up her shoulder and hissed at Midoriya, attempting to swipe his claws at him.

"Oh, I guess Katsuki doesn't want me to. Sorry, Midoriya. Rain check, kero?" She smiled.

"Yeah, sure!" He smiled and chuckled nervously before leaving.

"Katsuki, that's enough." She set her book aside to grab him gently and place him in her lap.

"Hmph." He furrowed his eyebrows and stuck his tongue out.

She carefully lifted up his paw and examined his claws.

"Maybe I should cut your nails.." she mumbled.

"Nya?!" He pulled his paw away and shook his head, "Nya!"

She looked at him and sighed, "Fine, but only if you promise not to try and claw Midoriya anymore."

His ears twitched as he stuck his tongue out.

"I'll take that as a no.." she mumbled before picking him and her book up, "C'mon, let's go back to my dorm."

"Nya." He meowed as he rested his head on her cheek.

Once in her dorm she sat on her desk and she sat Bakugo on the table.

"Nya!" He hissed before jumping onto her breasts and clinging onto her shirt, "Nya!"

She sighed, "Katsuki, if you're not gonna let me train with Midoriya, then at least let me study. Alright?" She asked as she set him down again.

He huffed before nodding his head, "Nya, nya."

She smiled and poked his nose with her index finger, "Thanks."

"Nya." He grumbled before laying down and curling up next to her arm on the desk.


After an hour of Tsuyu studying she set down her pencil and yawned.

She rubbed her tired eyes and looked down at Katsuki, snuggled up against her arm.

'So cute.'

She smiled as she stroked and rubbed his ears.

"Nya.." He meowed softly as he nuzzled his head into her hand.

"Katsuki?" She whispered as she kneaded his ears.

He stretched his legs and paws as he yawned, rubbing open his tired eyes, "Nya?.."

"Don't you wanna lie down on the bed instead of the table, kero?" She whispered again.

He shook his head, scooted closer to her arm and snuggled into her, "Nya.."

"Oh. I guess you just wanna be with me, huh?" She giggled.

He huffed, "Nya."

"Alright, alright, let's go lay down."

"Nya!" His paws clung onto her arm, his claws digging into her skin slightly.

"Ouch, Katsuki.."

"Nya?" He frowned as he retracted his claws from her arms, a drop of blood dripping out.

His ears drooped and his tongue licked the scratch on her arm over and over.

"Aw, Katsuki, it's okay." She smiled as her other hand stroked his ears, causing them to perk up.

He pouted, "Nya."

"C'mon, we're gonna lay down now, and don't worry you'll be right next to me." She stood up from her desk and scooped him up.

She took the few steps over to her bed and sat him down on her pillow.

"Nya!" He frowned as he make grabby hands with his paws.

"Hold on, hold on. I'm going to change first, kero."

She pulled her shirt over her head and unclasped her bra, dropping them both to the floor before reaching into her drawer to grab a new shirt and change into it along with some sweatpants.

Katsuki blushed as he stared, his tail wagging.

Tsuyu looked at him and rolled her eyes, "Pervert."

His tail wagged faster as she laid in the bed and he jumped onto her stomach.

He crawled inside her shirt and laid between her breasts.

She giggled, "Katsuki, get out of there."

"Nyaaa." He meowed, disobeying as he stayed snuggled up in her shirt.

"Fine, fine." She stroked his ears that poked out the top of her shirt, "Night, Katsuki." She smiled.

He closed his eyes and purred as he snuggled into her breasts, "Nya."

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