~Winter Coffee~

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Tsuyu wrapped her scarf around her neck before placing her hand on the doorknob to walk outside.

Before she could walk out Bakugo quickly pulled her aside.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He scowled at her.

"Nowhere special, just to go get some coffee, kero."

"In this weather? It's fucking freezing outside."

"I've got a scarf and sweater on."

He looked her up and down, "That's all? Bullshit, you'll need more than that if you think I'm gonna let you outside. C'mon."

He snatched her hand and dragged her to the elevator and to his dorm.

"Jeez, I'll be fine!" She protested.

"Yeah, right." He grumbled sarcastically.

He kicked the door open to his dorm and dragged her inside. He grabbed his beanie off his desk and placed it on her head before walking over to his dresser and grabbing his jacket.

Tsuyu adjusted her beanie before placing her finger on her chin, "You're coming with me, kero?"

"Of course I am, idiot." He put on his jacket and pulled up the zipper.

He grabbed her hands carefully, "Don't you have gloves?"

"In my pocket."

"Gimme." He reached into her pocket and grabbed her gloves and pulled them onto her hands himself.

"There. Now you're ready."

"Finally, kero." She rolled her eyes.

He lifted her beanie up a bit and kissed her forehead, "Don't go hibernating on me, okay?"

She smiled, "I won't."


They both arrived at the café within fifteen minutes.

"Go sit down, I'll order for you." Bakugo grumbled.

"I told you I was paying, kero." Tsuyu protested as she pulled out her wallet.

He snatched her wallet from her and stuffed it in her pocket, "Shut it. Go sit."

"Fine, jeez." She mumbled before walking off.

Tsuyu sits on a bench outside as she waits for Katsuki. At least ten minutes go by and he walks outside with two coffees.

"Idiot, why'd you sit outside?" He asked as he sat next to her and handed her the coffee.

She shrugged and kindly took her coffee. She took a sip of the warm drink and smiled, "Aw, you know my favorite?"

He scoffed before taking a sip of his own coffee,
"Of course, dummy."

He set his coffee next to him on the bench and took her wrist gently, placing something inside her hand.

"What's this, kero?"

"A cookie. They were on sale.." he grumbled.

She took the cookie out of its small bag and took a bite, "Mm, yum."

She smiled as she nibbled on her cookie, "Thanks!" She talked with her mouth full.

His cheeks tinted pink, "Tsk, don't talk with your mouth full. But.. you're welcome."

She looked at him and smiled, "Aw, you're blushing."

He quickly brought his scarf up to his nose, "Am not! It's just fucking cold out.." he grumbled.

She giggled before leaving a kiss on his cheek, "Thanks. I didn't plan for you to tag along, but I'm glad you did, kero."

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer as he leaned in to kiss her forehead, "Yeah, me too."

//Kᴀᴛsᴜʏᴜ Bᴏᴏᴋ 2//Where stories live. Discover now