Chapter 4- Actual Friends

Start from the beginning

"Looking for something?" Spencer still standing here asks.

Why is he still talking to me..

"My hair band" I smile and a warm feeling spreads in my body when he pats my hair "don't worry, I know someone who has one. Wait here" he ran off and I see him talk to Felix again who was staring or more like glaring at me.

I turn away instantly.

I can't handle my heart when he looks at me.. I just discovered.

I noticed that the hall was now full and a tall sturdy man walked in and the first thing I noticed about him is his red hair like mine!

I stare at him and that's when his attention turn to me and I unknowingly drop my hair and it falls on my face.

"Shit" I curse under my breath

Spencer came jogging towards me with a smile on his face.

He's always smiling..

"Here you go Ariel" he hands me the band and I attempt to glare at him but I ended up smiling at the obvious name he called me.

"You really don't talk much do you?" He shakes his head but claps "well, I'm your fairy god brother now and I'll keep you safe" he holds his heart and place his hand on my shoulder.

I grin at that.

I have a fairy god brother!

The PE teacher called us with his whistle and everyone quickly walked towards him in the middle of the field.

"Stay close Ariel, it can get deadly out here" he squints his eyes looking side to side and I laugh and he looks at me "there we go. Laugh unlocked" he pats my head again.

He's like 6'3 or something and Felix is a tiny bit taller. Even my 5'7 frame looks tiny next to them. What do these kids eat anyway...

I quickly put my hair in a tight and secure bun this time and follow Spencer like a lost cat.

I noticed my sister trying to talk to Felix but he glared at her with a dirty look and walked away from her coming to were Spencer and I were standing.

I stiff at that.

Not at him coming over here, but him openly rejecting my sister's approach. That has never happened before.

It's amusing to watch really.

"Okay!" The coach yells making some people jump. Me included.

I felt a presence near me and I thought it might be Spencer "is he always yelling?" I ask not turning around "you'll get used to it" a bored voice answers me and I snap my head in his direction.

My heart had no right feeling weird at our proximity but it did.

It was Felix and he wasn't even looking at me "oh" is all I say and turn my attention back to what the coach was saying.

"We're climbing today!" He announces and everyone groans.

Really? I love climbing!

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