Chapter 1

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Lately I've been really stressed out. When I tell people this they just think it's because I'm in grade 9 and I'm not used to exams or all the homework that I have now. Honestly I love it. Studying for those exams and doing all that homework makes me feel like I actually have a purpose. It makes me feel like I'm working towards something.

None of my friends know how I feel. This is because I'm the jokester. I'm always making jokes and pretending like I don't take anything seriously. This has been my strategy since I was little to stay out of drama that always seemed to follow the girls around at my old school. Now I kind've wished that I didn't do this because all of my inside thoughts are about to explode.

It all started at the beginning of second semester in my gym class. I had walked down to class with my usual group of friends. Once class started we were told to sit in a half circle, along the three-point line of the basketball court, in alphabetical order from our last names. Most of my friends were near the middle of the half circle and were all sitting fairly close together. I, on the other hand, was beside two girls I had never met in my life. Luckily I was good at making friends.

Before I had even gotten the chance to say something to either of the girls I heard Jaime's laugh break out. I looked over to her to see what was so funny. She was laughing at the blonde girl next her. I had never seen this girl before in my life. I had no idea who she was.

I tried not to think too much about her but everyday I could hear Jaime laughing right before Mrs Rosslyn would take attendance. I quickly learned that her name was Jessica. Jessica Love. And it wasn't until one day, a week later, when I had my first conversation with this girl.

On that particular day there was a basketball game. There were only 8 of us in gym class that day, due to the fact that everyone has either bought tickets or skipped class. Me, Jaime, our friends Ellie and Sam, Jessica, and three other girls I barely knew were the only one's there.

"We'll just play a little 4 on 4." Mrs Rosslyn announced. She numbered us off. Jaime ended up being on the shirts team. I was on the pinny team.

The game was pretty fun. No one played by the rules except this one girl who kept getting mad at Jessica and her friend Lily for not playing properly. She even told the teacher on them twice for misbehaving. Eventually Mrs Rosslyn gave up on trying to get an actual game going and took us to see the last 10 minutes of the game. After a few minutes, Jaime and I heard laughter coming from behind us. We both turned around to see Jessica and Lily.

"Have you heard of Supernatural?" Jessica asked us, mostly Jaime, when she saw us looking. She had a huge grin on her face that showed off the small gap between her front two teeth.

"I love that show!" Both Jaime and I exclaimed at the same time.

Jessica just started laughing again. She then took Lily's phone and handed it to us. On the screen we saw a picture of a fence with a thick, white border on the top and bottom of the picture. In the border it said, in huge black letters, 'Dean What?' 'Dean Fence!'. Then the finishing touch, Jensen Ackles' head photoshopped onto each tip of the fence.

Jaime instantly started laughing. It wasn't a little chuckle like I was doing. It was a full on, hysterical laughter. For the rest of the game whenever a team yelled, "D what?" the four of us would respond with,"Dean Fence!"

It was then that Jessica and I became friends.

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