I couldn't think clearly. What if I would feel the same pain again? What if it wouldn't work? What if I'd just mess it up and kill us all? What if I'd hurt Rayla?

I looked behind me and saw Rayla with her eyes squeezed shut, holding my waist in a tight grip. I immediately gained the confidence I needed to focus on the spell.

''Suaco!'' My eyes lit up in bright f/c as strong wind wrapped itself around Phoe-Phoe, making the landing a lot more softer.

My eyes turned to their normal colors and I let out a deep sigh.

''Phew, nice save there, Y/n. Soon enough, I'll be the one saving us. After, I figure out how to turn into a mage again, of course.'' Callum looked at me with a giant smile on his face. I was about to stomp towards him and wipe it off of him, but Ezran's voice distracted me.

''Phoe-Phoe is okay. She's just tired. She gets her power from the Moon Nexus. The further away we go, the harder it is to carry everyone,'' Ezran said as he gently stroked Phoe-Phoe's beak.

''Wow, Ez. I can't believe you could understand all of that,'' Callum said smiling.

''First time for everything,'' I muttered and Rayla snickered.

''You did such a good job getting us so far. Thank you.'' Ezran hugged Phoe-Phoe, who gently cooed back before turning around and flying away.

Rayla suddenly turned around and walked towards a cliff.

''Xadia's that way,'' Rayla pointed, ''across miles and miles of the fluid I both need to survive and hate more than anything in the world.''

''You know what? We'll just walk around it somehow. With our legs,'' I said as I motioned towards my legs.

''No. That's sweet, but walking around is gonna take too long,'' Rayla said before looking back at Zym. ''We need to get that former egg, now adorable baby dragon home to Xadia as fast as we can. We've got to go straight across.''

We all turned to the water.

''Rayla, are you sure?'' I asked, putting my hand on her shoulder.

''Don't worry about me. For now, we need to worry about how we're gonna find a ride over the water.''

Time skip brought to you by my laziness and need for food.

We found a nearby town after a short, quiet walk. As we hid behind some crates and barrels, we all tried to look for the perfect ride

''Well, we need a boat and a captain who knows how to make it go,'' Ezran said and sat down.

''Right, specifically a captain who doesn't hate elves,'' Callum said and looked at Rayla and I.

Rayla scoffed, ''that won't be a problem. I can disguise myself as a human again.'' And with that said, Rayla grabbed the same cloak from Ezran's backpack and swinged it around herself.

''Hello, again, fellow humans, human fellows.'' Rayla sent me a smirk and a wink, causing me to blush.

''Oh, oh! You're going to love this, Zym. I'm a huge fan of human Rayla,'' Ezran said and hugged Bait excitingly.

''So am I,'' I said before turning my attention back to Rayla.

''Let's go judge and criticize things other humans do, and then do the exact same thing ourselves,'' Rayla said and proudly put her hands on her hips.

''Do another,'' Ezran laughed.

''Sure thing, old buddy, old pal. I am excited to rapidly eat a plate of unwholesome food in an excessive portion size,'' Rayla raised her hands and smiled brightly. (Mukbang 😶)

Ezran laughed again, ''she's right. I'd eat a jelly tart the size of a dog.''

''Won't it be great to encounter other humans, and talk about which roads and pathways will take us somewhere slightly faster than other roads and pathways,'' Rayla continued.

Ezran, once again laughed while Callum groaned. I just smiled at the Elf who was supposed to be an assassin.

''Hey, sometimes getting somewhere slightly faster is important. Like-''

''Like telling your puberty to finally start? My dude, I'm ready to bet not a single hair has grown on your balls ever since you found out you were a mage,'' I cut Callum off and smirked, earning a loud snort from Ez and a laugh from Rayla.

''What. No! Y/n, really? Me and Ezran need to find a captain. You guys stay here and wait for Rayla to grow a fifth finger.'' Geez. Who pooped in his morning coffee. Oh right, I did.

''You've got it, my smooth-skulled friend,'' Rayla said and lightly punched Callum's am

Callum on the other hand, said nothing and walked away, dragging Ez with him.

''Huh, tough crowd,'' Rayla said and looked at me confused. I shrugged and which earned a light giggle from Rayla.

As I watched Callum and Ezran walk away I felt someone stare at me. I quickly looked at Rayla who immediately looked away while blushing. I smirked and moved closer to her.

''So, what do you think of this mission so far?'' I asked.

Rayla sighed, obviously relieved that things weren't awkward between us. ''I think it's been going pretty well so far. I mean, neither of us has been brutally murdered so far and the princes are quite fun.''

''Yeah, you're right.'' I looked at Rayla's violet eyes. They were one of my favorite parts of her.

''Y/n...'' Rayla started leaning in.

''Yeah...?'' I could feel Rayla's breath, her lips only inches away.

''We found the perfect captain!'' Ezran's voice surprised us both. Before either of us could say a word, Callum grabbed Rayla and I and ran towards the dock. As we tried to hide our blushes with our hoods, Callum stopped us.

''Don't worry, that's not gonna be a problem with this guy.'' Callum smiled but then gave me a questioning look. ''Why's your face all red,

''Uh, no reason,'' I answered quickly and looked away. Beside me, I could hear Rayla try to hide her laugh.

Before Callum could ask more, we had arrived behind a man who seemed oddly alike a pirate.

''We're back,'' Callum said.

''Greetings!'' The man said and turned around, revealing his face. As it turns out, he was blind and the parrot seemed to help him.

''The name's Captain Villads. The 'D' is silent,'' he said.

''You have a 'D'?'' Rayla asked.

''Arr,'' Captain Villads with the silent 'D' replied.

''No way...'' I gasped, causing everyone to look at me except for the Captain. ''Dad...?''

I'm very sorry for not posting that much but here is this chapter and I hope you guys are okay with it, even though the cliffhanger is dRaMaTiC Let's see what it's supposed to mean. Anyways hope y'all are still interested in the story and hopefully some of y'all have seen S4 and can let me know if my story is so fucked up it won't even match the first sentence in S4 😭. Thank you guys for all the support even though I'm not posting that much. Have a Bootiful day/night/evening👻(Get it? Because it's Halloween. No? Okay-)


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