Surviving Number 8. Part 1.

Start from the beginning

The members sat there speechless. They knew their manager could be a bit of a jerk sometimes but this seemed pretty low even for him.

Jungkook's bottom lip was trembling as he bit it. He hated this whole thing. He was so shy when he'd first met all of his hyungs and he was so open and carefree with them now. He hated the thought of feeling shy in his own home again because someone new was around. He also was nervous to ask the question, but came out with it.

"How old is he?" Jungkook felt his heartbeat pick up. As of right now he was BTS' beloved maknae and he wanted it to stay that way. He loved being the youngest of the group. He was spoiled by his hyungs day in and day out and always got away with pulling the maknae card. The thought of having a new possible maknae made him nervous. What if his hyungs started to like the new maknae better? What if he wasn't loved as much anymore?

"He's 29," Junso said.

All of the members gasped.

"29?!" Jin screamed. "That would make him my hyung! That would mean he's the oldest!" Jin, as the oldest of the group, had just hit 24.

"He's ten years older than Jungkookie? He could be a grandfather!" Taehyung yelled.

"Watch it Taehyung!" Junso said.

"I don't want a hyung!" Jin cried. "I love being the oldest!" Jin felt his heart break a bit. He was so used to being the oldest of the house. The oldest of the family. He took so much pride in taking care of his six dongsaengs. He hated the idea of someone older stepping in. That meant he'd have a new authority he'd have to respect. A new authority in his own house. Someone he would have to honor and obey. Just as much as Jungkook loved playing the maknae card, Jin loved playing the hyung card. He didn't want to give that up.

"Isn't that a bit old?" Yoongi added.

"He can do the job. Now I don't want to hear it from anyone else!" Junso slammed his hand on the table making everyone flinch. "Ky-Shi will be the new member of this group, and you will accept that! And you will figure out the living arrangements at the house for him. Now, I am giving you all four weeks off so that you and him can become well acquainted and spend time together before we get down to business. I don't want to hear any more objections, and if you do still object, then you may feel free to leave this band!"

The members stared at eachother wide eyed with anxiety. Jimin was wiping his tears with his shirt sleeve. It was all a lot to take in at once, but he knew there was nothing any of them could do. Nobody said anything else. As much as it sucked, thankfully none of the members were willing to depart. Namjoon started rubbing Jimin's back to comfort him.

"Alright, fine," Namjoon stated. "I guess we will be a group of eight." He too knew that this was beyond his control. He felt sorry for the rest of the group. He had tried very hard as their leader to make sure this didn't come to pass but he quickly realized he wasn't the superhero everyone thought he was and it made his heart hurt with guilt. "When does he move in?"

"Tonight," Junso smiled. "So I am letting you all off early so you may go home and get ready for him. Off you go!"

The members didn't move. They were still too in shock. Tonight?!

When nobody moved, Junso slammed the table again. "I said off you go!" he screamed.

The members flinched and jolted to their feet and quickly made their way towards their car.

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