Kat beamed, "CAN I DO YOUR HAIR?!"

Catalina was so taken aback by the yelling, she just nodded.

Jane smiled softly, "I'll find you an appropriate outfit that Anne would wear."

Catalina thanked them as she let Kat lead her to the bathroom, where she could look at Anne before anything else happened.

Catalina felt her heart skip a beat when she looked in the mirror.

Kat left for a bit to dig the needed stuff out of Anne's room.

Catalina was starting to stare at the girl's body, the body she was in. Weirdly enough she felt her face heat up and the look of that made her even more flustered.

Kat returned minutes later, holding her laughs back when she saw the blushing mess that was staring at the mirror.

"Girl, calm down," she stood behind her in the mirror.

"O-oh- sorry," Catalina fumbled with her hands, "I haven't told you my name, have I?"

Kat shrugged, "just tell me now, before it gets awkward. I'm Katherine Howard, but mainly respond to Kat."

"My name's Catherine of Aragon- Or Catalina, people call me Lina a lot."

Kat cracked up laughing and petted Lina's, or technically speaking Anne's, head, "name twins," she whispered.

"Anne never lets me do this," Kat mumbled as she picked up a brush and carefully started getting to work.


"Are you sure it's supposed to be like this?" Catalina asked, confused as Kat tried the eight hair style.

Kat hummed, "this is the one."

Jane walked into the bathroom, "Kat, what are you doing? You've been here for almost an hour."

Kat moved to the side, presenting Catalina with cat ears made out of hair.

Jane grinned, "great! That fits to the outfit I picked out forty minutes ago."

"Whoops," Kat grinned sheepishly, "sorry mum."

Catalina looked at herself in the mirror, "this looks cute," she chuckled.

She started staring at the mirror, "thank you."

Jane led Catalina towards Anne's room, "let me warn you, Anne's room is pure chaos."

Catalina didn't really know what to expect, but definitely not that many energy cans. To her it was horrifying, but that only for a second.

It did make sense, Catalina herself wouldn't lay a finger on an energy drink, but it kind of fit Anne's vibe. Sleeping on the living room floor while there's a perfectly fine bed in her giant room, sleeping in an oversized worn out My Chemical Romance shirt, not drinking tea.

It fit.

Surprisingly it felt comfortable after looking around for a few seconds.

"This is nice," Catalina decided happily.

Jane was slightly baffled at the positive reaction, but glad that Catalina liked her cousin's room.

"The clothes are on the bed, make yourself at home," Jane left the room, probably to talk to Kat for a little while.

Catalina got dressed and looked around the room. She saw unfinished art projects, half filled notebooks and finally she found a pencil that she could use.

Then Catalina pulled out a rather big sticky note from a desk drawer with all sorts of things inside.

She started writing,
'Hi Anne, I'm Catalina, your soulmate. <3
I really like your room! Not what I would have expected, but I like it.
P.S. Your cousins are really nice :D

Six the Musical Oneshots (Not Given Up On, Just On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin