the call

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lovelies, I am glad to announce my second book. # thorns around Roses#
I do hope you all will find it interesting. Please ignore the wrong spellings and miss use of vocabularies. And if you haven't read the entwined, hurry now.


As usual, it's ending september, the rainfall is gradually saying it's goodbyes.  Winter  is fast approaching. It's the beautiful early  hours of Saturdays, Sleep could only get more mesmerising just after fajr prayers.

      "Sanaaaaaaaa!!!"  I heard, as the door flung opened. I hardly could open my both eyes. i only hissed under my sheet.

       " sanaaaaaa!!!   then i opened my eyes wide and jumped out of bed.

"Hasina I have every right to sleep for long hours on Saturdays  as everyone is doing right now, I slept late last night, hasina I beg you okay, I'm human too. " I said running out of breath at the same time tying my hair into a bun.

" oh are u? I barely remembered" she said carelessly shrugging her shoulders sinking into her bed. I stood for some minutes  staring at her,  she continued to adjust her self in her bed. I rushed to the bathroom, washed my face, applied some face cleanser and  my face scrubs,Then, I  zoomed off to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the family.

"I do all the cooking and most work in this house and nobody cares to even notice".    

" yaya you are best at complaining,  you need a trophy for that" hafsat said, walking into the kitchen looking  sweaty from her morning run. Hafsat is the last  of the family and she seems to be  quite rude sometimes. I  ignored her and  start to chop the carrots.  Slowly after drinking water she walked out.

" Nonsense" I said.

"Salamun'alaykum,  with the aroma I'm already perceiving, i know it's my darling baby sanaa making breakfast." My smile only grew wider. I dropped the knife and engulfed aunty Leila in a bone crushing hug. She comes every Saturday coz of Saturday foodtime table.

"I'm delighted to see you aunty laila"

" same here sassa" as usual she adjusted her lapaya and helped me all through. we worked happily. As the rest continued to sleep.  We were done in no time and i was arranging the dining area

" what's your plan for today"

" aunty as you know, Saturdays are for my skinnn.  Will be visiting the spa later then head to the bookclubb"

" kinyi kudi kenan" I laughed so hard  I know she is teasing me coz she knows that  i don't have penny, I just try to manage the monthly allowance baba gives  us.

"Hmmm aunty kenan, you know I don't mean spa spa but our local masu gyaran jiki. Kobo I don't have but I'm always hoping on THE ALMIGHTY."

" haaaa  YA ALLAH. If I could write a book about you it's gonna be titled THE ONLY GIRL THAT COULD KILL FOR HER SKIN BUT YET HAS NO MAN IN HER LIFE:" she said the last part rolling her eyes

" anyways aunty is time to let the cat out of the bag" I said holding her arms

" hmmmm ina jinki"

" mmmmmm I  actually have a crush on ya ziyaad"

" huh wani ziyaad din?"

" Ur ziyaad mana"

" hmmmm  I was going to talk to your sister about that because clearly I made him choose either you or hasina and he chose hasina, I mean I know you both are my nieces but why hasina.  You are the beautiful one and the hard working one"

Thorns Around RosesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon