The night he'd spent with Eddie had opened his eyes. Sex wasn't a trade. It wasn't about one person doing all the work in return for something else. It was an intimate bond, it was supposed to feel good.

It had felt good with Eddie. Billy had felt safe wrapped up in the other's arms, but he couldn't allow himself to get attached. It was a one night stand, nothing more nothing less. Getting attached was dangerous, Billy knew that. He didn't want to drag Eddie into that. So he locked the feelings inside the steel vault in his heart and hid them away.

Joyce opened the door. She was surprised to see Billy, she figured Max would come to the door on her own like usual. Joyce had heard a lot about Billy Hargrove. He didn't exactly have a stellar record. The kids regularly complained about him, max included. She'd heard about how he brutally beat up Steve. Hopper had recounted how many times he'd had to pull Billy over for speeding, and she knew Billy was a notorious guest at all the high school parties in Hawkins. So Joyce knew all about Billy.

Max barrelled past Billy, saying a quick "Hi Ms Byers." As she ran into the living room where the others were.

So much for not being alone, Billy thought to himself, as he was now left to face Joyce alone.

Billy fidgeting awkwardly as he spoke, some of his usual aloof charm fading. "I uh-I was wondering if it was okay for me to hang around for a little while...?" Billy murmured.

Now Joyce knew, anyone who knew what she knew would say no, logically. But Joyce was fond of second chances.

"Alright, but I don't want another fight going on in here. You're old enough to know better, if you have a problem talk it out. Understand?" She said firmly.

Billy nodded, swallowing thickly. Joyce had been firm but not harsh, yet being scolded by her hurt a thousand times more than his father's fists and cruel words. A women so kind and loving, being disappointed in him, it killed. Billy couldn't even bring himself to put on his usual flirting act as he slunk into the living room after Max.

Steve waved when he saw Billy, who awkwardly waved back, hyperaware of the brats staring at him with contempt, minus Will and Max.

Nancy and Jonathon were there too. Steve looked a little put out, Billy couldn't blame him, it had to sting.

The two of them mostly just talked to each other, since they both shared the feeling of discomfort in their current situation.

Things were going okay for awhile, then Mike, always one to argue, decided he wanted to make his displeasure known.

"Why are you even here." He hissed at Billy.

Billy resisted the urge to be a douche and tried to answer as calmly as he could. "Because Shitbird was only allowed to come if I went with her." Billy huffed.

"We don't want you here. You're an asshole."
He huffed.

Billy tried to swallow the lump in his throat. Why did he care? Why did the opinion of a thirteen year old hurt so much?

"Leave him alone, he's trying to be better." Max defended.

"Bullshit, people like that never change. He attacked Lucas!" Mike yelled, the loud noise made Billy flinch and his chest tightened.

Not here. Not now. Billy mentally pleaded.

"Hey, I used to be a douchebag too, but I changed, people can redeem themselves. I'm not saying what he did was okay, but he deserves a second chance." Steve said, laying a hand on Billy's shoulder, giving it a discreet squeeze. He'd picked up the change in body language that signalled the blonde was on the verge of a panic attack.

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