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The akuma class were waiting nervously in their seats for the MPS to arrive. What they weren't expecting was for Enola, Emily, Amy and Marinette to walk in with Sabrina's Dad and a lady they didn't recognise. At the sight of the 2 grown ups the incompetent teacher paled.Officer Roger's marched up to Lie-la and alya and dumped a pile of law suits on their desk then the lady that entered the room shoved a folder into miss incompetents hands."Mrs bustier you are fired for showing favouritism, believing pathetic little lies and for helping the bully and punishing the victim. You will have your teaching licence removed and will be put back in to teacher courses."At that moment the fully grown adult started crying and having a temper tantrum." oh and I suppose I probably should tell you that the dupan chang family will be suing you for putting so much pressure on their daughter"By now the 'teachers' face was as white as a sheet. Enola smiled not so innocently at the class.

 "quick word of advice, next time you bully one of your friends make sure she can't ruin your future careers or has friends who can do the same. Now the MPS will be moving back to New Zealand with us and help take down losers like your selfs."The class stared in shock spineless cowered looked in disappointment and the miss bustier had...... just fainted. Wow.

" Oh and Agreste I should tell you that your father was none to pleased with your high road 'advice' and so he's putting you back into homeschooling." our little blueberry said a little too happily in the classes opinion."WHAT?!" the class shouted."are you guys almost done dishing out hell to these losers? The bus driver is getting a little impatient and our flight leaves in 2 hours."William said casually while walking into the class room.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you have to take a bus to the airport? That's so lame ! I thought you were rich or something!" Lie-la mocked."party bus" marinette corrected, "and we're almost done." pointing to Emily who was righting something on the board. When she was done the 5 left with the 2 grown ups and gave the class a heartless goodbye.When the class read what had been written on the board and when the did most of them started crying or yelling at Lie-la, while others just looked down in shame.'YOU DID THIS TO YOUR SELF SO SAY BYE-BYE TO YOUR CAREERS'

I have freinds in high place'sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن