"That Was Fun"

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Luka and kagami sat on the boat house waiting for the others to get there. Felix with them scrolling though his phone. "Are you sure it will be OK for us to go with them to blue springs?" Luka said finally braking that silence. He only got a shrug in response. "it will be, and just to be sure that you don't get reconized marinette and Enola teamed up to make you 3 the best discuses." Sophie said. The 3 teenagers all jumped in surprise thinking the same thing. 'where the heck did she come from?!' but they didn't say anything. They all heard the sound of laughter coming closer before the team of friends came into the room before sitting on the couches. "That was fun" Enola said in her usual sing song voice while stretching like a cat. "I still can't believe you said that!" our favourite little bug said as she sat on Felix's lap giving him a peak on the lips. "what did she say?" the blue headed fencer said. Max shrugged. "rossie said that she went camping in the middle of the southern rain forest, and Enola said 'I would àgree with you but then we'd both be wrong' when rossie started 'crying' the class tryed to defend her. Alya said 'no one asked you!' and Enola said 'then why are you still listening?"
The entire room was filled with laughter as the savege little kitten just sat smugly next to her boyfriend." OK, so we're going to the camp sight now and will be staying for the weekend end then on Monday at about lunch time the classes will get here and quite possibly wine until our ears bleed. We all know that they know absolutely nothing about camping, and miss 'set a good example' will most likely try to guilt trip all of us on to helping so remember to use her own words against her. Is everybody ready to go?"
Everyone noded at the emo team leader
" and the camping clubs derecter is the one grading you and you already passed the test and have more than enough credits to graduate early it means you have premisen to seet up your tents in our camping cercle. " Emily said exsitedly.
"the school gets sued, you graduate early, move with us back to new Zealand and you never have to see those pests again." shrugged Criss like sueing your former friends was the most normal thing in the world.
"and the fact at everyone Rossie lied about will be sueing her and that wannabe reporter as well as blacklisting all of those class mates of yours is just a cherry on top" Amy said while drinking her British tea which seemed to come out of no were. The room went silent as everyone thought of the class getting the justice that they deserve,but the sinister silence was broken by Enola. "alright if everyone is ready then we better head off I want to get the tents up before night fall." there was a series of 'yeahs' and 'yeses' before the room was filled with the sound of shuffling feet as everyone picked up there bags and camping gear then making their way to the door. They all hoped into the outcasts mini van (that had been remodeled on the inside so that it looked like a limo so it could fit all of them and for plot convenience it's bigger on the inside, why? Because I can.) and THE MARK HAZEL started to drive only stopping at Tom and Sabines bakery (is that how to spell her name?) to pick up some road snacks and Marinette to say goodbye to her parents. Before hitting the road again. "I'm looking forward to seeing you class suffering I mean camping. It should be fun" Mark said from the frunt seat. Enola and Josh's unkle was a funny man. He was bald with black skin that had patches of white. His eyes were brown and he had a fuzzy beard. Josh noded at his unkle "if all goes well they should be on their nees by the end of the week."as a wicked smerck slithered across every ones faces. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

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