Sorry, Not Sorry

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The next day the class was surprised to see marinette and her friends all wearing identical out fits. All the girls were wearing skirts that stopped just above the knees in there own colour. (marinette-cherry blossom pink, Chloe honey comb yellow, Alix - lizard green, sabrina - sky blue, julika plum purple) and black tights underneath. All the boys had track pants on in there own colours (nino- dark blue, max- neon green, nathanal - bright red, Kim-light brown). All of them wore black comdat boots- with the exception of Alix who was wearing her roller blades- and matching belts that had a small leather pouch attached to the sides. Each one had the first letter of the there name embroidered on the flap. They all had white over sized t-shirt, the girls tucked in to their skirts, the boys un tucked. Each one of the t-shirts had a quot on it. "You know it's rude to stare" Chloe said giving the class a  'mess with me and you die' look. Her t-shirt read 'BUZZ OFF!' in bold capatle letters.
"Chloe don't be rude!" said a serten spineless model. But before he could continue with his 'take the high road' speach he was cut off by a girl with 'I can kill you in my sleep' written on her t-shirt "actually agreste I gave her full permission to talk like that."
Adrian stared at marinette like she was wearing stripes with spots!
"agreste? Don't you mean Adrian?"
"no, I don't, I can't say you're first name with out throwing up in my mouth" she shrugged "so sorry not sorry agreste." just when they were about to talk back, miss B (I don't know how to spell her name) walked in to the classroom, TEN. FREAKING. MINUTES . AFTER. THE. FREAKING. BELL!!
"alright everyone please sit down in your seats" she said in a 'sweet' voice. "I have some exsiting news for you all! The camping club has given all the year 12 students a week long camping trip to the blue spring camp site that has been reserved fully for us! You will be put into teams and be graded on this. To be sure you know what to bring and how to survive the camping club has sent in some people in to give you a run down on everything you need along with some survival tips to help you get through the week. " as if on que two teenagers walked through the door.
(nino- I'm so good at sleeping I can do it with my eyes shut, Alix- my flaws... JK I'm perfect, nathanal- sarcasm is a art, julika- dont want a sarcastic answer dont ask a stupid question, Max- there's a %99 chance that I don't care , Kim- don't talk to me till I've had my coffee! and sabrina- to do :get up, survive, go back to bed)

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