"...No One Plans A Murder Out Loud... "

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Lie-la attempted to walk like a model (but she looked like the dieing rat that she is(no offence to rats of course)) to the group.
"Hey everybody what are you laughing at?" they all gages at the fake sweetness in her voice.
"nothing that concerns you rossi." Enola shot back.
"I was just trying to be nice. And they say laughter is the best medicine so I figured whatever you found so funny might help me with my illnesses." Lie-la 'sobed.'
"🙄 if laughter is the best medicine than your face must be curing the world"
The sausage head stopped crying and froze.
"by the way what are your illnesses asactly? Because I don't think they have found a cure for stupidity yet."
Lié-la's eye twitched.
"we-well your ugly,"
"excuse me I'm not a mirror"
By now they had drawn in the attention of the rest of the class as well as some of the classes around them. All of which had more than one brain cell and knew how to use them. All the classes had also taken a liking to the outcasts and found Enolas 'I can make you cry' personality amazing. Everyone except the akuma class had bothered in watching the news so they all new that Enola was capable of making even a sumowrestler cry (cuze she is just that savege)
"hahaha, your so funny." Lie-la tryed to laugh off but that just embarrassed her even more when Enola spoke.
"OK let's get one thing straight. I'm not funny, I'm just mean and you think I'm joking."
By now the leach (no offence to leaches) was red in the face, the akuma class was angry, the rebles were struggling to hold their laughter in and the other classes had given up on holding it in long ago.
" yo-you shouldn't tell lies you know. " Lie-la stammered out.
"the sausage speaks ladies and gentlemen!" Enola shot back while opening her arms like she was addressing a large crowd. Que student from another class joining his class mates on the ground, basically dieing from laughter. Snorting could be heard from the minnie van, where Félix, kagami and luka where hiding. By now the akuma class was shocked into silence and Lie-la was to embarrassed to speak. Enola let out a long painful sigh. "are you just going to stand like a dead tree or get on with that sad thing you all a life?" that snapped lie-la out of her daze as she started crying like there was no tomorrow. "why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you? Don't you understand that my life is really hard because of all of my illness? Just because your life is easy doesn't mean everyones is!" Silence. The air was filled with blood lust. Lie-la opened her eyes and looked at Enola only to see that her face was blank. She thought this ment she had won clearly not noticing how tence everyone else had become. Even the rest of the class new about Enolas past. Lie-la looked smugly. "what's the matter nothing to say?"
"..... oh of corse not." Enola looked the girl in the face, her eyes darkening by the second. "because no one plans a murder out loud..."

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