The Ghost Of The Old Oak Tree

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In the morning everyone was super confused because they couldn't get Lie-la to leave the tent, alya wouldn't stop shaking and Adrian was mumbling this under his breath like "are all camping trips like this? if so, then I'm never going camping again."
It was clear something had happened but they couldn't figure out what since none of them wanted to say.
Mean while not far away the rebles were sitting enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate when Marinette finally piped up.
" what did you do?"
All the outcasts looked at her before looking back at each other and saying at the same time "nothing!"
Chloe looked up from her bowl of whole gran cereal.
"does it have something to do with the bear man that snake and her sheep saw last night."
Enola shrugged "it's their fault for planning their prank so loud. We heard the whole plan and just prepered a little present for them no big deal."
Marinette just nodded and continued eating.
Time skip brought to you by a lazy author

The day passed by quickly and before they knew it it was 8:00pm. By now the sun was starting to set which inspired nathanal and Amy to do some painting. Enola was tuning her violin when she suddenly remembered something.
"Hey Josh do you remember that story that aunty Sydney told us?" all eyes were on the her. Josh thought for a moment. "was it that one about the ghost of the old oak tree?"
"yeah that one! It was always my favourite when visiting her and unkle Mark."
Josh gave off a sad laugh "yeah I know... Why do you bring it up all of a sudden?" she shrugged. "I don't know I guess I thought it would be a good camp fire story to tell the MPS'." the boy smiled and put his, now forgotten, book down.
"this is the story of the ghost of the old oak tree" he started smoothly pausing to give his friends time to get comfortable as his sister started playing softly in the background.
"years a ago there was a widow who had 3 children, the oldest was a boy who was the protecter of the family, the middle child was the was a girl who took up the roll of the house wife since her mother was still grieving the loss of her husband and had grown ill. Then there was the youngest child. A little girl who was no older than 10. Unlike her siblings she was not able to look after her family. She was not good at protecting and she lacked the skills to cook. What she did have however was a heart. Every day she would get up early and draw he mother a pitcher. Évery afternoon she would go out to town and make as many people smile as possible, and every night before dinner she would go out and pick flowers for the dinner table. One day the little girl came home only to see her siblings crying. When she asked what was wrong brother announced that the mother had died. The little girl dropped the flowers she was holding and started to weap. The older sister who always hated the fact that the girl didn't do more got mad. Shouting at her sister that it was her fault that the mother died, that if she had actually tried to help the mother then she might still be alive. The girl was so upset that she ran out the door and into the woods. She kept running until she made it o a old oak tree. She laid down at the foot of the tree and sobbed. Even when it started raining she didn't move. She just cried until her body became still and her eyes lost there shine. The older sister who was regretting all the things she had said was waiting for the girl return, but that never came hours ticked by and there was still no return. Eventually they went out into the rain tho look for her but they couldn't find her. Days went by,and that slowly turned into weeks. Then finally after a month of the girls absence the brother woke up early to the sound of bear feet hitting the cold wood of their mother's room. He quickly got out of bed and ran to said room, but when he got there he broke down into sobs. There on the bed lay a drawing of a old oak tree. When he searched the house to see if he could find who left it he came up blank. His sister was still asleep and the little girls room was empty. That afternoon the people of the town were morning the loss of the little girl who had made her dayly mission to make them smile, when people started to notice little gifts in their bags similar to the ones the girl gave them, but they could not see where the presents came from. That night when the sister was make dinner she noticed some flowers sitting in a vace on the dinner table, seeing this she broke down in tears remembering the flowers her sister used to pick. This repeated for a few months, but the girl was still no were to be found. Till finally the 2 remaining siblings decided to try and find the oak tree the kept popping up in the drawings found on the mother's bed. So they set out to find the tree. After hours of wandering around they finally found it, and there resting at the roots of the tree they found the body of their missing sister. The 2 cried and cried until they could cry no more. Then as the brother picked up the lifeless body a strange wind blew through there hair making them shiver. When they turned around they saw their dead sister standing there, but her eyes were dead and her body seemed see through. She gave them a warm smile and said 3 words that mad the sister look away in shame and those three words were "I forgive you."
They say that she is still there blessing the town with gifts of kindness, but as time went on they forgot her real name and so they dubbed her The Ghost of the Old Oak Tree."

(By the way this is a story that I just made up. If you want to use it feel free 😊)

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