"Consider Yourself Pranked!"

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Enola sat there pouting while Alix rapped her bleeding hand. It wasn't to bad. Only her nickels. Nothing compared to Lie-la who had a broken nose, a black eye and a mild concussion that made her act drunk. The rebles could hear her from where they were, saying stupid things like "you look like a octopus but with 3 arms!" and stuff like that. Alya was trying to get her to lay down so that she could rest, but was not very successful.
"you really did beat her to a bloody pulp didn't you?"
Enola shrugged. "as far as I'm concerned she deserved it,, and I would do it again in a heart beat."
"I only with the concussion that you gave her would work like a truth potion." Kim competed.
"would you like me to punch her again?😈"
"NO!" all looked at Marinette waiting for her to continue. "we still want her to be OK for the camp party you guys organised for Thursday night. When she's trying to lie her way out of the law suits then you can all give her a concussion and even put her in a coma for all I care."
"pfff the Thursdays night party. Not only will that snake be exposed but knowing your class they are probably going to over dress so they will stand out even more!" this time it was Chloe who spoke. Incase your wondering where Unkle Mark, Félix, Kagami and Luka went they went around to the other classes and teachers to collect evidence to sue the school as well as offering the teachers new jobs at stricter schools. The group smirked at the thought of the school haveing to close down because of lack of teachers and having so many law suits on their hands. They were all looking forward to the camp party on Thursday night and had all brought the appropriate outfits for the night, just to make the class stand out even more. Yes it's true, Thursday night would be a night to remember.
Time skip to wendsday at 5 in the morning!

Lie-la, Alya and Adrian all thought it would be a good idea to get up early and prank the MPS'  what they weren't expecting was for the outcasts to be up and ready for them. Amy smirked at them before saying "you know you shouldn't be so loud at this time in the morning. People are trying to sleep and you could wake up the..." But a hand was slapped over her mouth by criss, who looked around like he heard something. "I think it's a bit late for that Amy, he's already woken up" his voice was a hushed whisper.
"What are you talking about?!" Alya announced loudly. "SHHHHHHH! I think I heard him!" Emily cried. The useless group was getting annoyed, then they heard a twig snaping in the bushes and a loud low growl. Adrian froze at the sound, he was used to being in side so he didn't know anything about survival. "what was that?"
"that was the sound of the legendary bear man of the blue springs camp sight. They say that he sleeps all year long and if you wake him up then he will come after you an rip your to shreds and leave your remains for the birds to eat. He then goes back to sleep waiting for its next victim."
The 3 just laughed at Enolas story, that was until a large figer emerged from the bushes letting out a loud roar. They all screamed and alya Lie-la and Adrian ran back to their tents and hid in their sleeping bags completely obvious to the outcasts giving William and Sophie high fives while helping them pull the dead leaves and branches off. Enola smirked in the detection of the scaredy cats. "consider yourself pranked." and headed back to her tent to try get a few more hours of sleep that her traumatised brain would allow her. (trauma from her past not the prank)

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