"Knives Aren't Just Good For Putting Jam On Toast."

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It was now Monday night and the akuma class was miserable. Their fire's were barely alive their tents were shaggy, and none of them could figure out how to cook the food that they had brought. Meanwhile not far away the gentle music of a violin could be heard. The class looked over in the darection of their former friends and the outcasts. They were all sitting around the camp fire in their own camping chairs eating marinettes  stuffed crosints and drinking Enolas famous pine needle hot chocolate. Enola- who who had finished eating dew to her small apatite- was now gracefully playing the violin with Sophie listening happily at her feet. The group knew the class was looking at them they just couldn't bring themselves to care. For them all was right with the world that was until the snakes group cam over to them along with the useless teacher.
"Give lila one of your blankets she's cold and her illnesses are playing up." alya ordered while trying to snatch the blanket off of poor little Sophie only to be judo flipped by Amy. The 3 still standing staired in shock at the sight before them before lie-la spoke.
" How could you do that?! People have feelings you know!" only to reseve a 'Tt' from Amy.
" oh shut up you dam hypacrit!"
Enola shouted, hugging a crying Sophie in her arms. Because of her appearance Sophie was often bulled, so it ticked Enola off the fact that a class could scoop so low as to bully their freinds and a vonrable little girl like Sophie. Lie-la pulled out the crocodile tears hoping to get simpathy, but she got none of it from the group in front of her. Alya quickly got to her feet and comforted her best friend.
"Come on guys apologise." the spineless boy said.
"for what?! being a good friend?! Well blind boy I have something to say to you! I look at Sophie as a little sister and I am very protective of my family and friends! And this little pest just tried to steal MY little sisters blanket that I just so happened to have made for her! Not only that but she just made her cry and is to heartless to care! To make matters worse you lot seem to think its our problem that you don't have any blankets when Josh and I told you at least 6 times that warmth is the second most important thing when it comes to camping so remembering blankets should be like second naticher."
The teacher attempted to speak." Enola, please this is no way to behave. Calm down and apologi-"
" OH SHUT THE HELL UP! I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO YOU YET! You just let your students get away with what ever they want and punish the victims! Is that how a class room should be run? I think not. You expect this little cinnamon roll" pointing a finger at marinette making her blush at the nickname and the rest of the team giggle. "to do all the work for you and 'set a good example' when you don't even do it yourself?! You know what we datectives call it? Do you?! Well let me tell you. PATHETIC! That's what we call it! You are a pathetic teacher who can't even remember to do roll call and pushes all of her work on one student who you know already suffers from several mental health issues as well as bullying. And if you say that she never told you then let me just take a moment to state the obvious!" she basically yelled while throwing her arms in the air.
"her mental health issues were announced to you through email, in person as well as it being in her file. So the fact that you didn't pay attention to any of those just goes to show that YOU DON'T DESERVE THE TITLE OF TEACHER!"
Enola stopped and took a breath before giving them a soft smile smile that screamed murder!
" so I expect a apology from you you and your students not just to me but to all my friends and family before you get any form of pity from me"
The group of 4 just stood there gaping like dead fish. Then William said something in english making the group of rebles bust in to laughter.
"And based off how you seem to be allergic to checking your emails I have to assume that you haven't seen the one saying that marinette and her freinds are no longer your students as they have graduated early since thay are clearly smarter than you." it was true they got a phone call on Friday on the drive down to the camp telling them that the actually have more then double the credits that they need to pass the year so they had sent a email to Mrs bustier tell her that they will not be returning to her class and will only de at the camp for the joy of it. However the teacher did not speak English neither did alya or lie-la so they just stood there confused. Adrian on the other hand stood in shock,but being the cowered he is dicsided to stay quiet. A lazy voice made its way to their ears as criss spoke not even  bothering to look at them in the face.
"you should probably go before the little lady finds out that butter knives aren't just good for putting jam on toast"

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