9. Love is complicated, and sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it.

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Luca's POV:

I sighed, walking out of the restroom after changing and brushing my teeth.
Jonathan gave me a spare toothbrush. I decided not to shower, my hair looked fine and I didn't smell. Or I thought I didn't.

"You good?" Jonathan asked, his brows weaving together in a worried expression.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, of course. I'm just thinking..."


"Nothing important."

"Try me."

I sighed, a little frustrated by his persistence.
"Just...if I go back to school...my mom..." I explained, trailing off when thoughts about my parents finding me popped into my head.

"Don't worry Luca, I'll talk to my dads about it." Jonathan assured me, his eyes full of sympathy. I think I love this boy.
"Thanks." I said, and I actually meant it. "You're always looking out for me, I really appreciate it, man."

I was wearing a true smile on my face as I lightly punched him in the arm.
He tried to hide the grin on his face as he left to use the restroom, but he failed miserably.
I was definitely in love with him.
His smile was absolutely glowing when he came back, and I could only guess why.

"Let's go." He said, holding the door for me. Of course, the door wasn't heavy, so it's not like it would close on its own, but I still appreciated the gesture.
"Oh, I see chivalry isn't dead after all." I joked as I walked ahead of him.

He caught up to hold my hand, saying, "Chivalry was never dead, it was only reserved for those who were madly in love."
I stopped walking at his sudden, and probably accidental confession.
"You love me?"
"I-I mean, what I meant was..." He tried to correct himself, but he struggled to find the right words. I smirked as he turned beet-red.

"It's ok, I know you didn't mean to say it." I stated simply.
"N-no! I-yes I did! I meant it, just...not yet?" He tried again, but it sounded more like a question than a statement. I looked at him, confused.
"What I meant was, I do love you, I think, but I just feel like it's too soon, and we haven't even gone on a date or anything yet, so-"

I stopped him by pressing a finger to his lips.
"I get it." I said, giggling. He smiled, his big brown eyes full of excitement and...was that...love?
"Sorry, normally I'm pretty good with words, but I tend to lose them when I'm around you." He said, flirting.

I tried not to show how much that actually worked on me, but I guess it failed, because he kept going.
"Are you the sun, because you light up my world!" I laughed at his stupid pick up lines as we walked into the kitchen together.

"Jonathan, Luca, nice of you to join us." One of Jonathan's dad's said, a warm smile plastered on his face.
Both Jonathan's parents were sitting at the small, four-seated table, while sipping their coffee and what looked like an iced caramel macchiato.

The smell of caffeine and fresh-baked muffins was enough to make my stomach rumble, although I knew I wasn't going to eat.
I had too much to deal with, too much stress and anxiety put on my shoulders right now to even think about food.

"Would you like something, Luca?" The same dad who'd greeted us offered kindly.
I shook my head.
"Coffee it is then. It'll help relieve some of the stress." Jonathan's other dad insisted.
It made me feel warm, and cared for. I quietly sat down, thanking him.

"I'm Mark, by the way." Mark said, setting the mug in front of me.
He poured some of the black coffee into the mug, saying, "Would you like anything with it? Any sugar or creamer?"
I normally don't drink anything but plain black coffee, so I shook my head, thanking him again.

We all sat around the table, for what felt like ages, until finally Jonathan broke the silence. "What is it you wanted to talk to us about?" He asked, trying not to disturb our previous bit of peace.
He failed.

"Well...Tom and I were talking last night, and we honestly don't know what to do. You can't stay here, we could be charged with kidnapping if we do. The only thing we can do is let you go back."

I sighed, trying so hard not to look disappointed, but I guess I failed because Jonathan's parents looked at me with pity. "We're so sorry, Luca." Tom said, an apologetic look plastered on his face.
"You're always welcome here though. If things get bad, just call!" Mark said, trying to lighten the mood.

I nodded, and plastered on a fake smile.
"It's ok, I understand." I lied. They bought it too.
They both hugged me as Jonathan and I walked out the door a few minutes later. I waved goodbye, holding back my tears.

I knew as soon as I walked through those big, scary school doors, it would all be over.
And there was nothing I could do to stop it.
"I knew you were lying." Jonathan stated suddenly on the drive there.
I didn't acknowledge his statement though, instead I just started crying.

Jonathan grabbed my hand, rubbing circles into it with his thumb.
He didn't ask, or try to say, anything. He just sat there and comforted me as we both silently rode into my very depressing future, the inevitable truth that I'd have to face my parents again.

My life, isn't your life.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz