8. Is sanity normal to you, or is it something you've been taught to belive in?

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I curled up closer next to Luca as he slept soundly under the covers.
His breathing was soft, and light. I smiled as he stirred a bit in his sleep, and said my name.
I wondered what he was dreaming about, and why I was the star of the dream.

Sighing, I got up to use the bathroom.
I'd often have to get up around midnight to use it, no matter how little I drank before going to bed.
It was a weird habit, but I guess my bladder just hates me.

After relieving myself, I came back into the room, only to find Luca sitting up on the bed.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." I apologized as I climbed back under the covers.

"I'm kind of a light sleeper. It's not your fault." He said, shrugging.

I laid back onto the pillow, and patted the spot next to me.
He laid next to me, cuddling closer into my chest as I put my arm around him.
He sighed, and said, "I'm not gonna be able to fall back asleep like this. Could you try talking? It might help."

"Ok, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know. You?"

"What about me do you want to know?"


I hummed, trying to think of something to say, a story to tell.
"I saw my biological parents yesterday." I stated blandly.
Of course he was surprised to hear.

"What? I thought you didn't know where they were? Why didn't you tell me?" Luca accused wildly.
I sighed, and started the explanation.
"I didn't tell you because I didn't really have time the next morning, with everything that happened today. It was after school, so I couldn't tell you that day.

They found me, I don't know how, but they came up asking about my parents, and where I lived now. I didn't tell them anything at first, because they were total strangers, but then they told me I was their kid and...I still couldn't tell them.

I guess, just because these people came up claiming to be my family, I knew I could never trust them. Even if they were my biological family, they left me. They didn't deserve to even talk to me.

It's not like they'd wanted to have anything to do with me before, so I just dismissed their question and asked why they were there." He nodded, letting me finish.

"They said they were looking for my sister, but I knew that was bullshit, I never had a sister. Or, that's what I thought, but when I went to ask my dads, they said I did have a sister, but she'd died before I was born.
And my parents had broken out of a mental hospital, and it was just by chance that they'd found me at the gas station that day."

After my very long, and very painful story was told, he took my hand and squeezed.
"You're ok though, right?" He asked, concern and worry covering his beautiful face.
I smiled, saying, "I'm amazing. Especially with you here. I'm a little hurt to find out my parents have known this for so long without telling me, but I understand why they did it."

He nodded, "Makes sense. They were only trying to protect you. Now I know where you get it from." I smiled at his observation of me.

"Are you complimenting me?" I said, jokingly trying to make him blush. It worked.
"What? N-no! It's just, I sort of noticed it when you asked me not to close the door at the bathroom earlier." He stuttered, trying to explain.

"How d'you know that's what I was really trying to do? I could've been trying to get a peek."
We both started laughing.
After our laughing fit, neither of us said a word.

We just laid next to each other, gazing into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity. He smiled, I smiled.
He blushed, I blushed.
It was like we were one person in separate bodies, and I kind of liked it.

He eventually started to drift into sleep, his eye lids drooping heavily over his sparkling green eyes. I smiled as his eyes finally shut and his breathing steadied.
"I promise, I'll take care of you." I whispered before I, too, fell asleep.

The next morning was the best and worst morning of my life. I woke up to my parents shaking me and Luca awake.
"W-what?" I croaked out, rubbing my eyes.

"It's time to get up. We need to figure out what we're going to do with our current...situation...before you both have to leave for school." Mark explained, keeping his voice low.
"C'mon boys, breakfast is on the table!" Tom called as they both walked out of my room.

I groaned and sat up as Luca stepped out of bed. Then I realized it.
How could I have not realized sooner?
And my parents were ok with it?
Well, ok, they are gay too, but still! Luca and I slept in the same bed together!

I was as red as a single rose, in a garden full of dead plants, in a matter of seconds. I prayed Luca hadn't noticed.
"Jonathan? What's wrong?" He asked shyly, pausing as he went to grab his clothes.

I ignored his question, getting up to grab him some clean clothes to wear instead.
"Here, use these." I said, handing him a set.
He wore a puzzled expression as he walked into the restroom.

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