"Liam, Luke is onto me and Niall. Kyle is having him find out information about us as a way of sabotage. The worst part is, Niall fell for it. I'm not sure what I might've said or Niall, but all I know is it is out and I am screwed." I say trying not to cry again.

"Mark told me that you need to be careful-"

"Not only me, you do too, Liam. You are the father of my children, if anyone finds out at all, you could possibly get locked up."

"I know, I don't want to talk about this anymore. How bad was it at school today?" Liam asks worried.

"Every person, even the people I didn't know or the people I didn't think knew me, pointed at me, laughed at me, asked for an autograph, or just mocked me. I couldn't escape it, everywhere I went people were making fun of me." I sob watching the cars drive by ours. I look over at Liam realizing that he pulled the car over, and stopped the car. He gets out of the car, closes the door, and walks over to the door of Daphne's home.

Why does everything go wrong when one thing goes right? Why does everything bad happen to me?

"Thanks Daphne, I can't thank you enough for doing this." Liam says as he opens the door for Mikey.

"You are very welcome, I don't mind one bit. I was watching the news today-"

"You saw it? Yeah, apparently Niall's friend found out Harry had a child somehow, and told everyone." Liam says casually as he carefully sets Dylan in the car with his little carrier.

"You two have to be careful, a secret doesn't stay a secret very long. News travels fast, my boy friend was the one who told me about it." Daphne warns as Liam closes the car door.

I turn around to see my children staring at me with the worst expression written on their faces.

"Mommy, are you a boy wike Dylan?" Mikey asks me suddenly.

"I don't know anymore, Mikayla, I really don't." I turn back around sighing loudly.

"Well, thanks for the warning. We better get going now, bye Daphne." Liam says before getting in the car.

"Goodbye you guys, have a nice evening." She says kindly as Liam fastens his seat belt and drives away.

The rest of the short drive was silent, the only noise that was heard was the sound of Dylan cooing. We arrive at the apartment building, and Liam and I immediately get out of the car and each take one child out of the car and into the large building. I watch as Liam quietly unlocks the door, revealing the same apartment I see everyday. I sigh as I take Dylan from his carrier and into my arms. I carefully sit down on the couch, and hold the child in my arms.

"Why can't I just go back to being Dylan's age? The days when everything was simple, and all I had to do was cry for my parent's attention. I don't even have parents anymore." I sigh taking Dylan's tiny hands around my large thumb. "I miss my sister the most." I say tearing up.

"Harry, please don't think about it. Mikey, do you want your juice or milk?" Liam asks Mikey after trying to calm me down.

"I remember her coming in my room to say goodnight to me, that was the last thing she said to me."

"I want juice!" Mikey squeals.

"The next thing I know, I woke up in the middle of the night in a random man's arms-"

"Mikey, where did you put your cup?"

"I don't know, Daddy." Mikey giggles at her angry father.

"He told me I was okay, and that my family was going to be okay. Help is coming, they'll be okay, I promise." I cringe recalling what Liam told me that night.

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