Imagine #55 Momo 👭 X Female Reader

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You and Momo dated for 6 months and fell in love and decided to get married. You got married in private with just the two of you being present. She popped the question to you. Ever since you came out, your parents have never looked at you the same. Momo's parents don't know that she is with another woman, that she is married to another woman. She is scared to tell them. She thinks they will disown her if they learn that she has married someone of the same sex. Momo's parents have always been really supportive of her in her life and she feels like they would be unsupportive if they know of her secret being married to you. You keep on persuading her to tell them but she won't listen to her. You love Momo with all your heart. You've never felt a love like hers before

It's Friday night and you finished work early so you are home walking for Momo. You decided to surprise her and cook her a nice meal for dinner. She will be surprised when she gets home and she'll give you a big hug and kiss for it. You are trying to be the best wife possible to Momo. She is already the best wife to you and you are so lucky to have her. You are trying something different and making tempura udon for Momo tonight. You know she likes that as she had it in a restaurant once with her. Momo should be on her way back soon so you are cooking now. You want the kitchen to be smelling of cooking when she walks into your apartment. You follow the recipe carefully and every step. About 30 minutes later the front door of your apartment swings open and Momo walks in. "Hello, darling. I'm home" she said. "Hey, baby. How was your day?" you reply. "It was alright but glad to be home to you now, my wifey" she said. You giggle. "Ohhhhh I see you're cooking for me. What are you making, best wife in the world?" Momo asks. "I am indeed, my love. I am making you tempura udon this evening" you smile. "Sounds and smells delicious. I can't wait. I'm going to get showered. I won't put you off" she said coming to you and giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Come here. I need your lips" you said grabbing Momo's arm and pulling her in for a kiss. She goes to your bedroom and takes a shower while you finish making dinner. You are excited to see Momo's reaction to your food tonight. You hope she loves it as much as you've loved making it

Soon the tempura udon was ready and you and Momo sit down at the dinging room table and eat. "Can't wait to tuck in. Thank you. You're the best wife in the world. Happy to have married you" Momo said. "Wait you haven't even tried it yet" I reply. "I don't have to to thank you" she said. You watch Momo take her first mouthful of the meal you just cooked. "Yum! It's amazing" she said. "And you're telling the truth" you reply. "Yes of course I am. Nothing but the truth" Momo said. You smile at your wife from across the table. You love to see Momo happy. After dinner you tidy up and then have sometime together sitting on the couch and cuddling. Watching a bit of TV. You love being close to your wife and in her arms. "Forever with you, baby" Momo said. "Yes that's right" you reply. "You make me feel so happy and I do want people to know that" she said. "Mo, you make me feel so happy too. I love you with everything I have, my baby" you reply. "You are the most wonderful woman I've met, Y/ N" Momo smiles. "Well why don't you introduce me to your parents then" you say. "Y/ N, we've had this conversation before. It's complicated. I know my sister will be supportive of me. We always have been of each other. But my parents, it's a different story. They can be kinda old fashioned" Momo said. "Momo, I know but we are married. You can't keep your wife a secret from your parents. They are gonna know one day whether you tell them or not" you say. "Honey, I know what you're saying but you don't know them like I do. I'll think about it. Let's just sleep tonight" she said. "Okay" you smile. Momo and you finish the conversation and go to bed and sleep. You'll talk about it another time

After weeks of persuading and begging Momo, she is finally introducing you to her parents. She hasn't told them up front that she'd bringing someone or who you are but she's just told them that she's paying them a visit which she is. You are both nervous about seeing Momo's parents. She nervous about telling them and you're nervous about meeting them. She knows it's not going to end well. You pull up outside Momo's parents house this afternoon. "Okay this is it. Time to tell my parents about my sexuality and that I'm married to you" she said. "I'm nervous too but we got each other and we can always leave i guess if it gets awkward" you say. "Okay well i think it's best if you stay in the car for a few minutes just while I knock on the door" she said. Momo knocks on the door and her mom is happy to see her. "Mom, dad so good to see you" she said. "So good to see you too, sweetie" her mom said. "Come in. What are you waiting for?" her dad said. "Actually mom, dad. There is someone I'd like you to meet" Momo said. She signals to the car for you to come out. You take a deep breath and walk to the door. "This is Y/ N" she said. "Hi" Momo's mom said. "Hi. Nice to meet you both" you smile. She just introduced you by name nothing else. You follow Momo into her parents house and sit on the couch. You start talking to them but they start asking questions. Momo looks at you and takes a deep breath. "Mom, dad. Actually Y/ N is something more to me. She is-she is-she is my wife. Yes that's right we are married. I-I didn't know how to tell you" Momo said. Her parents were shocked and speechless and didn't say anything at first. "What? You're married to another woman" her mom said. "Yes I am. We have wedding rings but we decided not to wear them. I fell in love with, Y/ N when I met her. I've never felt love like hers from anyone before. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and understand if you don't want anything to do with me" Momo said. "I can't believe you would do such a thing. We raised you in a much better way, Momo" her dad said. "I love your daughter with everything I have. She's the most beautiful and amazing woman I've met and I love her with all my heart. Best decision I ever made is marrying her" you smile. "This is who I love. You don't have to be supportive of me. I'm not asking of anything like that" Momo said. "I think both of you should leave. We need some time. This has hit us hard" Momo's mom said. "I knew you two would react like that. You're going to disown your own daughter for being happily married to another woman. I can't believe it. At least Hana will be supportive when I tell her" Momo said. "We never said that, Momo . We just need time" her dad said. "Come on, Y/ N. Let's go" she said grabbing your hand. You and Momo leave. She was crying on her way home as she was trying to drive. She can't believe her own parents would treat like that. Unbelievable. Maybe both of you are better off without them even though it hurts Momo

Momo has been feeling down and a bit depressed since going over to her parents that time and their reaction. They don't disown her totally they might just see her in a different light. She hopes they don't stay that way forever and they just need sometime to get used to things and her being married to another woman. Things won't change between you and Momo. You love each other very very much and are so happy together. Nothing will ever change in that way. You are her wife and she is your wife. You decided to cheer Momo up by buying her some cupcakes. Some of her favourite cupcakes. She's been coming home from work but feeling herself since going to her parents that time. She kinda regrets telling them in a way. But she shouldn't as they know now. Momo is coming home anytime and you can't wait to see the smile on her face when she walks in and you surprise her with the cupcakes you bought. You know Momo loves things like that. Pizzas are for dinner tonight. You were in the bathroom when Momo arrived home. She walked into the kitchen. "Y/ N, I'm home, sweetie" she said. "Hi, baby. I'm here" you reply. "How are you?" Momo asks. "Good. You?" you reply. "Yeah okay. Had a bit of a better day today" she said. "That's great, Mo. I have a surprise for you, my dear wife" you say. "Okay" she replies. You go into the fridge and grab the cupcakes that were in the box. "Tad da. Cupcakes to cheer you up and make you feel better" you say. "Awe, Y/ N. That's so sweet of you, baby. My sweetest girl. Thank you" Momo smiles. "You're welcome, my love. Anything for you, baby girl" you say. Momo smiles and gives you a big hug and kiss. Both of you tuck into the cupcakes after dinner. Not before as you didn't want to ruin your appetites. Momo was smiling and laughing which is what you love to see. A happy wife = a happy life

A few months later and you and Momo decided to adopt a baby. It took a few months to finalise but in the end you adopted a baby girl called Aria. She was 4 months old when you become mommies to her. Aria has just turned a year old now. You wanted to go for adoption rather than sperm donation as you believe in giving orphaned children a home. Aria means everything to both you and Momo. Momo had now reconciled with her parents and they are now fully accepting of your relationship and they love their granddaughter too. It's so nice that they are. They love their daughter and now their daughter in law and granddaughter too. Aria just turned a year old so you add having a little birthday celebration for her at Momo's parents today outside in the garden as it's a beautiful day. You are all say outside about to do the cake. Momo had to go inside to change Aria's diaper. She's just come back out now. "We are about to do the cake" Hana said. "Amazing. Aria, are you ready did us to sing happy birthday?" Momo replies. Aria babbles and smiles at everyone. Momo's mom comes from inside with the cake and you all start singing to her. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Aria. Happy birthday to you" you all sing. You and Momo help Aria blow out the candles on the cake. "Make a wish, baby girl. Make a wish" you cheer. Momo and you look at each other and smile. Her parents now know how much you love each other. "Such a happy girl today on her birthday" Momo's dad said. "She is. That's our girl" Momo smiles. "Momo, Y/ N. We have a surprise for you" her mom said. "Ohhhhh okay" you reply. "We've booked a vacation just for the two of you. You are going to Hawaii for a week. We know it's a place you've always wanted to go and you didn't get to go on a proper honeymoon so you get to go home. We will look after Aria while you're gone. Both of you need a break from being busy moms" Momo's mom said. Both of you were speechless. They've booked a vacation for you. "Mom, dad. Wow! That's amazing. Both of us honestly can't thank you enough" Momo said in shock. "Thank you so much" you smile. "You're both very welcome. You deserve it" her dad smiles. You had a great day at Momo's parents for Aria's birthday and they surprised you with a vacation for the two of you. How amazing? So lovely that Momo's parents have done that and how they accept your marriage

A/ N: thought I'd use this idea for Momo as I really like it. A happy ending of course like in most cases

I got my first tattoo and it was dedicated to Twice. It's moonlight on my forearm. Obviously their song Moonlight is the meaning behind it and it signifies how much they mean to me too. My ultimate group and my fave girls

A few days till comeback. I honestly cannot wait. Soooooooo excited for Between 1&2 and Talk That Talk which sounds really good. This album gonna be on repeat forever

Think a Tzuyu imagine next

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