Imagine #54 Chaeyoung X Byeongkwan 🍼

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Chaeyoung and Byeongkwan had a brief relationship/ fling over a year ago. Their fling resulted in one thing. Pregnancy. They didn't mean for it to happen. Chaeyoung never wanted a baby or to become a mom but they decided to keep the baby. Their baby daughter Chanmi is now 9 months old. Byeongkwan loves her dearly so does Chaeyoung but in a different way. Motherhood was really hard on her both physically and mentally. When Chaeyoung got pregnant, her family didn't want anything to do with her. They want her to be married when she has children as it's part of their religion. Chae is getting more used to being a mom now and raising Chanmi. They have never considered being a couple even though Byeongkwan wanted them to be at first but Chaeyoung was against it. Soon Chanmi will be a year old. She is a daddy's girl

Chaeyoung and Byeongkwan co parent baby Chanmi and share her between them. Byeongkwan tries to be the best father and see his daughter to give her mother sometime to herself. Parenthood has been one of the hardest things Chaeyoung and Byeongkwan have ever done in their lives. He is in his way to Chaeyoung's now to see Chanmi for a bit. He honestly wishes they were in a loving relationship and got to see his baby girl everyday. Chanmi makes Byeongkwan the man he is. He has just arrived at Chae's and knocks on the door. "Just a minute" she announces from the lounge. She opens the door and says "Hey come in. She's just woken up". "Good. Can't wait to spend sometime with my baby girl" Byeongkwan said. "Yeah she's all yours. I'm just going to run out to the store to get some things. Getting low on diapers" Chaeyoung said. "Oh okay" he replies. Chaeyoung leaves a couple of minutes later to go to the store leaving Byeongkwan in her apartment with Chanmi who has just woken up. "My princess.  Dada is here while momma goes out" he spoke to Chanmi softly. He picks her up and kisses and cuddles her like he usually does when he sees her. Chanmi makes Byeongkwan's heart so happy. He believes he has always meant to be a father. Chaeyoung arrives back more than an hour later with bags of shopping in her hands. "Sorry got delayed. Was busier than I thought" she laughs. "It's fine. Me and my girl spent sometime together" Byeongkwan replies. "Cute" she replies. Chaeyoung puts the shopping away herself while Byeongkwan cuddled Chanmi on the couch and spent sone yoke with her. She was nice and relaxed on her daddy's chest. "Stay for a drink if you want" Chaeyoung asked. "Nah I should get going thanks" he replies. "I'm making enough coffee for two" she said. "Okay I guess I'll stay a bit" she smiles. Chaeyoung makes enough coffee for them both

Chaeyoung sits down on the couch next to Byeongkwan and gives him his coffee. "Thank you. Much appreciated" he says. "You don't have to thank me" she laughs. They don't say anything to each other for a couple of minutes. "Chaeyoung" Byeongkwan said. "Yeah" she replies. "I think we should try and work out something for Chanmi's sake" he said. "We have been doing. Co parenting" Chae replies. "That's not what I mean" he said. "Oh" she replies. "I mean be together. Actually be in a relationship and live in the same house. It breaks my heart not being with Chanmi everyday" Byeongkwan says. "I know it does but to tell you the truth, it won't work" Chaeyoung said. "We can make it work. It's up to us" he said. "Byeongkwan, we hardly knew each other before I got knocked up. We were stupid. We didn't know what we were doing and then suddenly we had a baby" she said. "Chaeyoung, I know you struggled a lot becoming a mother at first but I think you're doing a good job now. You're a great mom to our Chanmi" he said. "Thanks" Chaeyoung smiles. "I just love being a father. Chanmi is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I am speaking the truth" Byeongkwan said. "I know you are. I know how much you love our little girl. Byeongkwan, I'm sorry I just like the way things are now. We'd be no good together. Honestly trust me. I won't make you happy. Not like Chanmi does" Chaeyoung said. "Chae, you would. Please consider it. It's breaking my heart" Byeongkwan said. "I'm sorry" Chaeyoung sighs. Byeongkwan gets up and leaves a minute later. He has to accept the fact that Chaeyoung and he will never have a relationship and be together as a family with Chanmi. He hopes she'll change her mind

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