Imagine #51 Mina X Wonwoo 👩‍❤️‍👨

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This imagine was requested by JeonMina_05

Warning contains smut

Wonwoo has been Mina's best friend since childhood. They grew up in different countries. Mina in Japan and Wonwoo in Korea. They were pen pals growing up and sent letters to each other every week as children. They met in real life 8 years ago when Mina moved to Korea to be close to Wonwoo. She feels some way about him but she is engaged to another guy who she loves but he doesn't really love her back. Mina wants to marry her fiancé but she also has feelings for Wonwoo too. He had always felt some way about Mina since they were children. It hurts him to se her with another guy who doesn't love her back. Wonwoo wants to be the one marrying Mina so much. He can only dream and hope that something will happen in the future

Mina's fiancé Junhyuk is away for the night on a business trip or so he says he is. He has been going away more often recently. Mina has wondered why but she hasn't been questioning him too much. He doesn't like being questioned about where he is going. Mina loves Junhyuk but she wonders whether he loves her sometimes. Mina is home alone tonight with Junhyuk but Wonwoo is on his way to surprise her. No special reason. He's just popping over to see his best friend. Mina is sat on the couch just about to watch TV when the doorbell goes. She gets up and answers it and was surprised to see Wonwoo there. "Hey, bestie" he smiles. "Hi, bestie" she smiles. "Since you're alone I thought I'd come and surprise you" Wonwoo said. "That's great. You're always welcome you know" Mina smiles. The two of them hug and they sit on the couch. "So where has Junhyuk gone again?" Wonwoo asks. "Business trip again. He's been going on a lot. Never here. I don't think he wants to marry me anymore" Mina replies. "Well you should leave him. Mina, why would you want to marry someone who is never around and always has other priorities" he said. "Because I love him, Wonwoo. You don't seem to understand that. When you love someone you want to be with them. You don't understand because you've never been in love" she said. "I have been in love so I understand" he replies. "Not really" Mina says. "Mina, you're my best friend and I hate to see you getting hurt by this guy. You know I've never liked him. He's not good for you" Wonwoo said. "You're just jealous I'm in love with someone else. Not you. Look you're my best friend. Not my lover" Mina said. "But I really care about you, Mina. If I didn't. I wouldn't be supporting you" he said. "Just go away. I don't want to talk right now. You brought up something that you know will upset me" she said. "I'm so sorry, Mina I didn't mean to upset you. You're my only best friend" Wonwoo said. "I know I know but just a bit sensitive at the moment. It's hard when Junhyuk is never here and always making excuses" Mina said. "What if he's seeing someone else?" he said. "Don't say that. I hope he's not cheating on me behind my back" Mina said. "Just warning you, Mina. I don't want to see you get hurt" Wonwoo said. "Yeah thanks but I just need sometime. If you can go please I would appreciate that" she said. Wonwoo looks at her and smiles and leaves her place. Mina sits there and cries. She's just had an argument with her best friend over her fiancé. Wonwoo knows he shouldn't have come round and brought up about that in front of her as he knows it upsets her and he doesn't like to see Mina upset

It's been a few days since Wonwoo came to Mina's that night. Mina has been going through a though time lately. She thinks Junhyuk is cheating on her. She found something to use as evidence to him cheating on her. She found a woman's bra that isn't hers in their bedroom. Suggesting he's been with someone else not Mina. She is yet to confront him about it as she only found it yesterday. She hasn't apologised to Wonwoo yet but she wants to. Junhyuk is about to get home soon as so he's should be. Mina can't believe Junhyuk is cheating on her. Wonwoo was actually right when he said it. Mina has been cleaning and getting the dinner prepared. The door opens and Junhyuk walks in with his briefcase in his hand. "Hey, sweetheart" he said. "Hey"
Mina sighed. "How's it going?" he asks. "Alright" she smiles. Junhyuk goes into their bedroom and Mina goes in after him. "Junhyuk" she said. "Yes, sweetie. What it is?" he replies. "What is this? It's certainly not mine. You're cheating on me" Mina said. "Well I was going to tell you, Mina" he said. "I can't think you. I knew you were up to something but I never thought you'd cheat on me, Junhyuk. I thought you loved me and I thought I loved you but clearly not" Mina says starting to cry. "Look, Mina. I can explain. I'm so sorry I cheated on you. I should've told you sooner" Junhyuk said. "Are you still seeing her now?" she asks. "Yes but I was going to call things off soon before you found out" he said. "Don't bother because I'm calling things off with you, Junhyuk. Go and be happy with your new woman and I'll find someone else" Mina yells. "Mina, don't do this please. I love you. This other woman was just meant to be a fling and it turned into a bit more" he said. "If you loved me, why would you have a fling" she said. "I'm sorry, darling. Maybe you'll find someone new and move on from me. Maybe you don't deserve me" Junhyuk said. "Quite right" Mina replies. "I know Wonwoo cares about you" he said. "He's my best friend. Nothing between us" she lies even though she might have feelings for Wonwoo. "Well this is not the way I wanted to end our relationship" Junhyuk said. "You should've thought about that before you cheated on me. I can't stay with you and marry you knowing what you've done. I'm leaving" Mina yells. Junhyuk tried to apologise but she walked out and left. She shouldn't have had to find out that way that her fiancé is cheating on her

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